Anna Glavash Miller
I grew up in the greater Boston area, attended public school and studied at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine before transferring to the University of Vermont, where I majored in environmental studies, with a minor in food systems. When I wasn't studying, I was snowboarding, hiking and paddling, practicing yoga and following my favorite bands.
I spent my junior year in experiential learning semester programs, first backpacking and kayaking across Montana and studying human-land relations (Wild Rockies Field Institute), then in Thailand and Malasia learning about marine and coastal ecology and snorkeling every day (Wildlands Studies). These experiences deepened my interest in how food production impacts the environment and led me to a food studies minor. For my capstone, I lived on a lake in New Hampshire with a group of interns, removing invasive milfoil from the lakebed via SCUBA and maintaining trails and a group of lakeside campsites (Squam Lakes Association).
I returned to Burlington, VT afterward, began working in the local food system, met my future partner and and graduated from a yoga teacher training.
In 2016, we packed ourselves and our dog Louie into a refurbished 1977 Trillium camper and spent four months traveling across the country, visiting national parks and exploring the West Coast. We landed in Eugene, where I enrolled at UO in the journalism master's program. I had found a passion for writing, photography and blogging during the years after college.
I graduated from the SOJC in 2018, moved to Long Island for a summer copyediting internship at Newsday (Dow Jones News Fund), and came back to Eugene to work at the Register-Guard. At the R-G, I worked as an editorial assistant editor and a food, drink and dining reporter. In March of 2020, I returned to UO as a communications generalist for the Office of the Provost. I also worked in this role at the College of Arts and Sciences, and most recently at the Clark Honors College.
In my free time (less of that after welcoming my daughter in August 2024), I still snowboard, hike, paddle, love live music and practice yoga. My newfound Oregonian hobbies include foraging, gardening and commuting by bicycle. Ask me about what's for dinner!