Profile picture of André Sirois

André Sirois

Instructor, Musicology 
Cinema Studies Program
Phone: 541-346-8844
Office: 263 Knight Library
Research Interests: Musicology and Ethnomusicology


André Sirois is an affiliated faculty member at the School of Music and Dance. You can read his full bio at the Department of Cinema Studies, where he serves as a Senior Instructor I and Multimedia Supervisor.


  • Ph.D. in Communication and Society, University of Oregon, 2011
  • Master of Arts in Communication, University of Maine, 2005
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Journalism, Central Connecticut State University, 2002


  • Sirois, André. In Press. Scratch Cyborgs: The Hip-Hop DJ as Technology. In Hip-Hop Theory: Time, Technology, and the 21st Century, ed. Roy Christopher. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press. 
  • Sirois, André. In Progress. Designed from Scratch: A Hip Hop History of the DJ Mixer, 1975-2005. (self-published coffee table book). 
  • Sirois, André. 2016. Hip-Hop DJs and the Evolution of Technology: Cultural Exchange, Innovation, and Democratization. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.
  • Sirois, André. 2015. Scratching out authorship: The creative network of hip hop DJs. In Cultures of Copyright, eds. Danielle DeVoss and Martine Courant Rife, 196-210. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. 
  • Sirois, André, and Janet Wasko. 2011. The Political Economy of Recorded Music. In The Handbook of Political Economy of Communications, eds. Janet Wasko, Graham Murdock, and Helena Sousa, 331-357. Walden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.