Charles Lachman
University of Toronto, PhD 1985
Prof Lachman holds a PhD in East Asian Studies from the University of Toronto, and has served at UO as Director of the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, as Curator of Asian Art at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum, and as Head of the Department of the History of Art & Architecture. His research and teaching interests include the history of Chinese landscape painting, Chinese art theory, and Buddhist art (especially Chan/Zen painting).
Selected Publications
A Way With Words: The Calligraphic Art of Jung Do-jun (JSMA/University of Washington Press, 2006).
The Ten Symbols of Longevity: An Important Korean Screen in the Collection of the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, The Collection in Context series (JSMA/University of Washington Press, 2006).
Evaluations of Sung Dynasty Painters of Renown: Liu Tao-ch'un's Sung-ch'ao ming-hua p'ing. T'oung Pao monographie XVI (Leiden: E.J.Brill, 1990).
Ming-ch'i Figures from the Collection of William F. Little (Hanover: Hood Museum, 1989).
“Images” In Oxford Bibliographies in Buddhism. Ed. Richard Payne. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016
“Buddhism: Image As Icon, Image as Art,” Chapter 27 in the Oxford Handbook of Religion and the Arts, ed. Frank Burch Brown (Oxford University Press, 2018),367-378.
"Art," in Critical Terms for the Study of Buddhism, ed. Donald Lopez (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005), 37-55.
“Chan Art” and “Bodhisattva Imagery,” in The Encyclopedia of Buddhism, ed. Robert Buswell (New York: Macmillan, 2003).
"Blindness and Oversight: A Double-Portrait of Qianlong and the New Sinology," Journal of the American Oriental Society 116.4 (1996): 736-44.
"Why Did the Patriarch Cross the River? The Rushleaf Bodhidharma Reconsidered," Asia Major 3rd ser. 6.2 (1993): 237-268.
"The 'Image Made by Chance' in China and the West: Ink Wang Meets Jackson Pollock's Mother," Art Bulletin LXXIV.3 (1992): 499-510.
"Arhats in the Treetops," Artibus Asiae 51.3/4 (1991): 234-256.
Selected Courses Taught
ARH 207 Arts of India
ARH 208 Arts of China
ARH 384 Art of Death in China
ARH 385 Chinese Painting: Tang, Song, Yuan
ARH 386 Later Imperial China
ARH 387 Chinese Buddhist Art
ARH 399 Arts of Korea
ARH 4|584 Landscape and Garden in Traditional China
ARH 607 The Place of Writing in Chinese Art
ARH 607 Text and Image
ARH 607 Chinese Art Theory and Criticism
ARH 607 East Asian Ceramics
ARH 610 The Presence of the Past in Chinese Art
ARH 611 Art Historical Theories and Methodologies