Michael Dreiling
Professor Dreiling earned a B.A. in Sociology and in Anthropology at the University of California-Irvine in 1990 and a Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Michigan in 1997. He is author of two books (most recently Agents of Neoliberal Globalization), numerous articles, and is presently working on a third book comparing the political networks of dirty energy industries across regions of the world. Several other collaborative projects are in the works, including the fossil fuel divestment movement, a study of elite philanthropy for environmental causes, a longitudinal study of the US corporate policy network, and a major documentary film in Japan. Professor Dreiling also produced and co-directed (with Matthew Eddy) the award-winning feature documentary on Costa Rica’s relatively happy, healthy and demilitarized society – A Bold Peace, available at Bullfrog Films (available in English, Spanish and Japanese). At the University of Oregon, Professor Dreiling was a founding organizer and first elected president for their faculty union, United Academics. Professor Dreiling is also President of the American Association of University Professors of Oregon, representing thousands of faculty and graduate employees across Oregon.
Research Interests
- corporate influence in environmental, trade, and energy policies;
- comparative politics of peace and human rights;
- social movements and social change;
- network analysis of collective action
Recent Book:
2016 Dreiling, Michael C. and Derek Darves. Agents of Neoliberal Globalization: Corporate Networks, State Structures and Trade Policy. Cambridge University Press.
Articles and Chapters:
2024. Dreiling, Michael C., Tomoyasu Nakamura, and Yvonne Braun. “Nuclear Denial Stifles Japan’s Clean Energy Transition Post-Fukushima.” The Academic. https://theacademic.com/japans-clean-energy-transition-post-fukushima/ Video summary of the project: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13y1beN6CY_N7Q6dR0_BjurGZVXT4YxEs/view?usp=sharing
Dreiling, M. & Garcia-Caro, P. (eds.). (2023) “Editors’ Introduction: Landscapes of Power and Academic Freedom.” Journal of Academic Freedom, 14. Online.
2023. with Pedro García-Caro. “Creating Safe and Welcoming Schools, Colleges, and Universities.” Excerpted and edited reprint of “Memory Laws or Gag Laws? Disinformation Meets Academic Freedom” for the Spring 2023 issue of American Educator, https://www.aft.org/ae/spring2023/aaup https://www.aft.org/ae/spring2023/dreiling_garcia-caro
2022. Editor’s Introduction with Pedro García-Caro, “Memory Laws or Gag Laws? Disinformation Meets Academic Freedom.” Journal of Academic Freedom Volume 13(2022). November 2022. https://www.aaup.org/reportspubs/journal-academic-freedom/volume-13
2020. Dreiling, Michael C. “Trade Globalization and its Consequences.” 12,500 word chapter in New Frontiers in Globalization Research: Theories, Processes and Perspectives from the Global North and Global South, ed., Ino Rossi. Springer.
2019. Dreiling, Michael C., Tomoyasu Nakamura, Nicholas Lougee and Yvonne A. Braun. “Environmental Organizations and their Responses to Nuclear Crisis in Japan” in Nuclear Emergencies: A Holistic Approach to Preparedness and Response. Edited by Dr. Koizumi, Dr. Shozugawa, and Dr. Steinhauser for the series “Current Topics in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine.” Springer Science.
2019. Dreiling, Michael C. “Liberalizing Trade and Finance: Corporate Class Agency and the Neoliberal Era,” in Eds., Thomas Janoski, Cedric de Leon, Joya Misra, Stephanie Mudge. The Cambridge Handbook of Political Sociology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2018. Braun, Yvonne A. and Michael C. Dreiling. “Networking for Women's Rights: Academic Centers, Regional Information Networks, and Feminist Advocacy in Southern Africa.” International Feminist Journal of Politics. DOI: 10.1080/14616742.2018.1460213
2018. Dreiling, Michael C. and Tomoyasu Nakamura. “A Nuclear Complex? A Network Visualization of Japan’s Nuclear Industry and Regulatory Elite, 2006-2012.” Socius: Sociological Research for Dynamic World.
2018 Yvonne A. Braun and Michael C. Dreiling. “Social Problems in Global Perspective.” In The Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems, Eds. A. Javier Trevino. Pgs. 77-98. Cambridge University Press.
2017 Dreiling, Michael C., Nicholas Lougee, and Tomoyasu Nakamura. “After the Meltdown: Explaining the Relative Silence of Japanese Environmentalism on Nuclear Energy.” Social Problems 64(1): 86-105.
2015 Braun, Yvonne A., Michael C. Dreiling, Matthew Eddy, and David Dominguez. “Up Against the Wall: Ecotourism, Development, and Social Justice in Costa Rica.” Journal of Global Ethics 11(3): 351-365.
2015 Dreiling, Michael, Nicholas Lougee and Tomoyasu Nakamura. “After Fukushima: The Silence of Environmental Organizations on Nuclear Catastrophe.” Metropolitics, 22 September 2015. URL: http://www.metropolitiques.eu/After-Fukushima-The-Silence-of.html
2014 Braun, Yvonne A. and Michael C. Dreiling. “Frames, Boomerangs, and Global Assemblages: Border Distortions in the Global Resistance to Dam Building in Lesotho,” (pgs. 261-292) in Nancy Naples and Jennifer Mendez (eds.) Border Politics, Social Movements and Globalization. New York University Press.
2011 Dreiling, Michael C. and Derek Darves. “Corporations in American Trade Policy: A Network Analysis of Corporate-Dyad Political Action.” American Journal of Sociology 116(5): 1514-1563
Documentary Film Work:
2016. Michael Dreiling, Producer and Co-Director with Producer and Director, Matthew Eddy. A Bold Peace: Costa Rica’s Quest to Abandon the Fever of War. A feature length film on Costa Rica’s 1948 revolution, abolition of the army, and expansion of a social democracy. 105, 89, and 57 minute versions. Release date May 11, 2016. Japanese version released in 2017, Spanish version released in 2019. (http://aboldpeace.com and http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/bold.html)