Jerry Rosiek
Jerry Rosiek is a former high school physics teacher, a father of a daughter headed to College, and a Professor of Education at the University of Oregon. He also holds courtesy appointments in the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Indigenous, Race, & Ethnic Studies. He teaches courses on teacher education, curriculum theory, institutionalized racism in schools, the philosophy of social science, and qualitative research methodology. In his spare time Jerry plays racquetball, is a pitmaster on an award winning competition BBQ team, and spends time with his family hiking, kayaking, and getting creative in the kitchen.
Jerry’s writing has appeared in major journals including the Review of Research in Education, Harvard Educational Review, Education Theory, Educational Researcher, Phi Delta Kappan, Qualitative Inquiry, Curriculum Inquiry, Educational Psychologist, Teaching and Teacher Education, & the Journal of Teacher Education. His 2016 book with co-author Kathy Kinslow is entitled Resegregation as Curriculum: the Meaning of the New Segregation in U.S. Schools won the O.C.L. Davis Award for the Outstanding Book of the Year from the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Notable recent publications include "A review of posthumanist educational research: expanded conceptions of research possibility and responsibility" in The Review of Research In Education (2024) & “The new materialisms and Indigenous theories of non-human agency: making the case for respectful anti-colonial engagement,” in Qualitative Inquiry (2019). Jerry has been interviewed for reports on NBC Nightly News, MSNBC, as well as in the New York Times, the Atlantic, The Guardian, and many regional newspapers. His commentary has appeared in the NYT, Salon, the Conversation, The Houston Chronicle, the San Francisco Chronicle and many other outlets.
Jerry is currently working on a book entitled Posthumanist Empiricism: Agency, Ethics, and Politics in Social Inquiry (Routledge), with co-author Scott Pratt. He is also working on an article entitled “Is racism an posthuman agent: lessons taken from a ten-year study of school segregation.” In the past Jerry has served as Department Head and as PI and director of the Sapsik’ʷałá (teacher) Education Program, a grant funded program that supports Indigenous students seeking a Masters degree and teaching license at the University of Oregon. He is currently a United Academics Union Steward for College of Education, because he believes solidarity is a better tool for improving our lives than compulsive competition.
1997 Doctor of Philosophy, Curriculum and Teacher Education (Disciplinary Minor: Philosophy), Stanford University, Stanford, CA
1988 Bachelor of Science, Physics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
1987 Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Jerry’s scholarship asks what enables us to teach and care for children while 1) working in institutions and cultures that are hostile to some children, families, and communities, and 2) those institutions and cultures are among the primary influences on how we think, feel, and ask questions about the children we serve. His empirical studies have examined the mediating effects of institutionalized racism, settler colonial ideologies, class stratification, and heteronormativity on teachers’ practice and educational research. Most recently he completed a ten-year study of a school district undergoing a process of racial resegregation that documented the messages this segregation communicated to students and the difficulty of documenting those effects directly. Jerry’s research asks what kind of knowledge enables teachers to provide ambitious, equitable, and caring education for all students while working in less than auspicious conditions. It also asks what conditions conspire to prevent communities (including educational researchers) from adequately supporting such work. These questions require critical examination of the epistemic, ontological, and methodological assumptions involved in educational research and policy making. In recent years, Jerry’s work has drawn upon critical race theory, new materialist philosophy of science, revisionist pragmatism, Indigenous studies literature, anti-Blackness studies, and arts-based research methodologies.
- Rosiek, J., Adkins-Cartee, M.R., Donley, K., Pratt, A. (2024). A Review of Posthumanist Educational Research: Expanded Conceptions of Research Possibility and Responsibility. Review of Research In Education. Volume 48.
- Hatch, S. & Rosiek, J. (2024). Agency and Counter-Agency in Curriculum Studies: Teacher Work Against the Grain of Settler Futurities. Journal of Curriculum Theorizing.
- Cohen Lissman, D., Adkins-Cartee, M.R., Rosiek, J. (2023). Moral Injury and Moral Traps in Teaching: Lessons from the Pandemic. Journal of Moral Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/03057240.2023.2237202
- Thorpe, H., Newman, J., Adkins-Cartee, M., Bayley, A, Fullagar, S., Pavlidis, A., Nichols, N., Markula, P., Rosiek, J. & Zarabadi, S. (2023). The Special Issue as Diffractive Process: A Collaborative Dialogue. Cultural Studies↔ Critical Methodologies, 23(2), 170-180. https://doi.org/10.1177/15327086231154307
- Rosiek, J. (2023). More is Required of Us: Complicating an Ontology of Experience at the Heart of Community Based Research. The Pluralist, 18(1), 81-94. https://doi.org/10.5406/19446489.18.1.08
- Pratt, S. & Rosiek, J. (2023). The Logic of Posthuman Empiricism: Affirmative Politics, Validity, and Futurities. Qualitative Inquiry. 29(8-9), 897-913. https://doi.org/10.1177/10778004231162075
- Adkins-Cartee, M.R., Cohen Lissman, D., Rosiek, J., Donley, K., & DeRosia, N. (2023). Teacher Mental Health in a Global Pandemic: Lessons from 2020. The Teacher Educators’ Journal, 16 (1), 1-49. https://www.ateva.org/s/TTEJ-161-3223.pdf
- Rosiek, J. & Adkins-Cartee, M. (2023). Diffracting Structure/Agency Dichotomies, Wave/Particle Dualities, and the Citational Politics of Settler Colonial Scholars Engaging Indigenous Studies Literature. Cultural StudiesàCritical Methodologies, 23(2), 157-169. DOI:10.1177/15327086221147735
- Tesar, M., Hytten, K., Hoskins, T. K., Rosiek, J., Jackson, A. Y., Hand, M., Roberts, P., Opiniano, G., Matapo, J., St. Pierre, E.A., Azada-Palacios, R., Kuby, C., Jones, A., Mazzei, L., Marayumama, Y., O’Donnel, A., Dixon-Román, E., Chengbing, W., Huang, Z., Lei, C., Peters, M., Jackson, L. (2022). Philosophy of education in a new key: Future of philosophy of education. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 54(8), 1234-1255. https://doi.org/10.1080/00131857.2021.1946792
- DeRosia, N. Donely, K, Lissman, D., Rosiek, J. & Cartee, M. (2021). Collaborating to Accommodate: Teacher Insights About Providing SPED and EL Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Thresholds, 44 (2), 127-144. https://academyedstudies.files.wordpress.com/2022/01/derosia-et-al.pdf
- Pratt, A. B., & Rosiek, J. L. (2021). Narrative inquiry and anti-racist teaching: Considering foundational questions about (re) storying in struggles for racial justice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 107, 103487. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2021.103487
- Rosiek, J. L. (2021). Unrepresentable justice: Looking for a postqualitative theory of social change. Qualitative Inquiry, 27(2), 239-244. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800420922263
- Rosiek, J., Snyder, J., & Pratt, S. (2020). The new materialisms and Indigenous theories of non-human agency: Making the case for respectful anti-colonial engagement. Qualitative Inquiry. 26 (3-4), 331-346. [Published on-line in 2019]. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800419830135
- Rosiek, J. L., & Snyder, J. (2020). Narrative inquiry and new materialism: Stories as (not necessarily benign) agents. Qualitative Inquiry, 26(10), 1151-1162. https://doi.org/10.1177/1077800418784326
- Rosiek, J. (2019). School segregation: a realist view. Phi Delta Kappan, 100(5).
- Rosiek, J., Snyder, J., & Pratt, S. (2019). The New Materialisms and Indigenous Theories of Non-Human Agency: making the Case for Respectful Anti-Colonial Engagement. Qualitative inquiry.
- Rosiek, J. & Snyder, J. (2018). Narrative Inquiry and New Materialism: Stories as (Not Necessarily Benign) Agents. Qualitative inquiry.
- Rosiek, J. (2018). Critical race theory meets posthumanism: lessons from a study of racial resegregation in public schools. Race, ethnicity, and education, 22 (1), 1-20.
- Rosiek, J. (2018). Agential realism and educational ethnography: guidance for application from Karen Barad’s new materialism and Charles Sanders Peirce’s material semiotics. In D. Beach, S. Marques da Silva, C. Bagley (Eds.) The Wiley handbook of ethnography and education,(403-422). London: Wiley.
- Rosiek, J. (2018). Art, agency, and ethics in research: how the new materialisms will require and transform arts-based research. In P. Leavy (Ed.), The handbook of arts-based research, (632-648). New York: The Guilford Press.
- Rosiek, J. (2018). Afterward: The Ethics and Politics of Narrative Inquiry. In J. Clandinin, V. Caine, & S. Lessard (Eds.) The Relational Ethics of Narrative Inquiry, 204-209. New York: Routledge.
- Rosiek, J. (2018). Art, Agency, and Inquiry: Making connections Between New Materialism and Pragmatism in Arts-Based Research. In R. Siegesmund & M. Cahnmann-Taylor (eds.), Arts-Based Research in Education,32-47. New York: Routledge.
- Rosiek, J., Schmitke, A., & Heffernan, J. (2017). Queering teacher education curriculum: a case study of lessons learned in the transformation of a teacher education program,” Curriculum and teaching dialogue. 19(1), 3-17. (Winner of the 2018 Association for Curriculum and Teaching Hunkins Distinguished Article on Teaching Award.)
- Rosiek, J. & Gleason, T. (2017). The philosophy of teacher education research: an onto-ethical turn. In J. Clandinin and J. Husu (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Research on Teacher Education(29-48). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishing.
- Rosiek, J. & Kinslow, K. (2016). Resegregation as curriculum: the meaning of the new segregation in public schools. New York: Routledge. (Winner of the 2016 Association for Curriculum and Teaching O.L. Davis Book of the Year Award).
- Rosiek, J. & Jean Clandinin (2016). Teachers as curriculum makers. In Wyse, D., Hayward, L., & Pandya, J. (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Curriculum, Pedagogy, and Assessment, (293-308). Thousand Oaks: Sage Publishing.
- Rosiek, J. (2013). Pragmatism and post-qualitative futures. International journal of qualitative studies in education.26(6), 692-705.
Recent Grants
2025-2029, NSF IUSE Grant. Expanding Understanding of Support for Students of Color in STEM Educator Career Pathways: An Educational Ecosystem Approach. Principal Investigator. $1, 354,375.
2016-2020. Grant from the USDE for “The Sapsik'ʷałá Education Project: An Indigenous Professional Teacher Preparation Program,” Principal Investigator Through 2018. Total amount: $1,199,837.00
Honors and Awards
· 2022 University of Oregon Excellence Award for Outstanding Graduate Mentorship
· 2018 American Association for Teaching and Curriculum Hunkins Distinguished Article on Teaching Award (with Alison Schmitke and Julie Heffernan).
· 2016 American Association for Teaching and Curriculum O.C.L. Davis Award (with Kathy Kinslow) for the Outstanding Book of the Year
· 2015-2016 University of Oregon Wayne Morse Center Resident Scholar
· 2015 University of Oregon College of Education Award for promoting Diversity and Justice in the College.
· 2013 Jane Adams UOTeachOut Award for promoting Gender Justice in Education.
· 2009 University of Oregon College of Education Award for promoting Diversity and Justice in the College.
· 2007 Early Career Award from the AERA Narrative and Research Special Interest Group.
· 2006 Outstanding Narrative Article Award (with Paokong John Chang) from the AERA Narrative and Research Special Interest Group