Profile picture of Jack Snell-Ryan

Jack Snell-Ryan

Phone: 541-346-2105
Office: 114A Millrace 1
Research Interests: Intermedia Art, Core Studio, Printmaking, Sound, Sculpture, Acoustic Ecology & New Materialism.


Jack Tuttle Snell-Ryan is an interdisciplinary artist and curator. His practice explores trance and contemporary culture through the conduits of sonic theory, sculpture, and optics. Currently a Professor of Art at the University of Oregon he has held positions at a number of universities including The School of Visual Arts in New York. He studied at Hunter College (NY) and received his MFA from the University of Georgia (Athens). At the University of Oregon he teaches CoreSTUDIO courses, Printmaking, Graduate Studies, and has collaboratively taught in the School of Music.

Ryan's work has been exhibited at The American University Museum (Washington, DC), Marylhurst Art Gym (Portland), The Hirshhorn Museum (Washington, DC), Brooks Museum (Memphis), Crawlspace (Seattle), Hunter Museum (Chattanooga), The Frist Center (Nashville), Consolidated Works (Seattle), MICA (Baltimore), The Palace of Fine Arts-Ministry of Culture (Cairo, Egypt), Dublin Electronics Arts Festival (Ireland), Ausstellungsraum Klingental (Basel, Switzerland), 21 Grand (San Francisco), The Phillips Collection (Washington, DC), University of California (San Diego), Newark Museum (New Jersey), Maison Laurentine (France), Syracuse University, and The Banff Center (Canada). His research has been supported by the Oregon Arts Commission, the Ford Family Foundation, Djerassi Resident Artist Program, Marylhurst University Art Production and Publication Fund, The Precipice Grant in partnership with Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts and The Calligram Foundation, and The Banff Centre. He has been the recipient of academic research funding from Watkins College of Art, Bowling Green State University, Sewanee University, as well as from the University of Oregon for creative and faculty research. In 2015 he was awarded the Hallie Ford Fellowship.


Intermedia Art, CoreSTUDIO, Printmaking, Sound, Sculpture, Acoustic Ecology, New Materialism.