Lana Lopesi
Assistant Professor
IRES, Native American Studies
Email: llopesi@uoregon.edu
Office: 204 Alder Building
Office Hours: Fall 23, Wednesday 11-12:30pm or by appointment
Research Interests: Pacific Islander Studies, Diaspora Studies, Indigenous and Women of Color Feminisms, Contemporary Pacific Art, Pacific Cultural Production, Digital Humanities, Global Indigeneities
Website: https://lanalopesi.com/
- PhD, Auckland University of Technology (2021)
- BFA (honours), University of Auckland (2013)
Sole authored books:
- Bloody Woman (Wellington: Bridget Williams Books: 2021).
- False Divides (Wellington: Bridget Williams Books: 2018).
Edited books and special issues:
- Decolonial (and Anti-Colonial) Interventions to Genealogy, Genealogy 8(3) (special issue), 2024. Co-edited with Liana MacDonald.
- Pacific Arts Aotearoa (Auckland: Penguin Random House New Zealand: 2023).
- Pacific Spaces: Translations and Transmutations, Co-edited with A-Chr Engels-Schwarzpaul and Albert L. Refiti (Oxford, New York: Berghahn Books: 2022)
- Towards a Grammar of Race: In Aotearoa New Zealand, Co-edited with Arcia Tecun and Anisha Sankar (Wellington: Bridget Williams Books: 2022).
- Uplifting Moana Perspectives: Emerging Pacific Researchers and New Directions in New Zealand-Based Pacific Research, Journal of New Zealand Studies (special issue), NS33, 2021. Co-edited with Seutaʻafili Patrick Thomsen and Marcia Leenen-Young.
- Transits & Returns, Co-edited with Tarah Hogue, Sarah Biscarra Dilley, Freya Carmichael and Léuli Eshrāghi (Vancouver: Vancouver Art Gallery: 2019)
Articles and chapters:
- Lopesi, L. & Keil, M. (2024). Promiscuous Possibilities: Regenerating a Decolonial Genealogy of Samoan Reproduction, Genealogy 8(3): 81, 1–13.
- Lopesi, L. & Waerea, L. (2024). ‘Sovereign Performances’. In C. Braddock., I. Gordon- Smith., L. Waerea., & V. Wynne Jones (Eds) Resetting the Coordinates: An Anthology of Performance Art in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 202-217) Massey University Press.
- V. Wynne Jones & Lopesi, L. (2024). ‘Sad girl art’. In C. Braddock., I. Gordon-Smith., L. Waerea., & V. Wynne Jones (Eds) Resetting the Coordinates: An Anthology of Performance Art in Aotearoa New Zealand. (pp. 236-239). Massey University Press.
- Lopesi, L. (2024). ‘Moana Immaterial Labour and Invisible Care: A performance by Leafa Wilson/Olga Krause’. In Kirsty Baker Sight Lines: Women and Art in Aotearoa. (pp. 281-286). Auckland University Press.
- Thomsen, P., Lopesi, L., & Lee, K. L. (2022) 'Contemporary Moana Mobilities: Upward Mobility and the Settler Colonial State'. The Contemporary Pacific. (in press)
- Lopesi, L. (2022). 'Irrecon-tweet-able differences: The digital rub of racial grammars and ethnic fragility'. In A. Tecun, L. Lopesi & A. Sankar (Eds.). Towards a Grammar of Race: In Aotearoa New Zealand. Bridget Williams Books: Wellington.
- Lopesi, L. (2021). ‘Suʻifefiloi: A Samoan Methodology for Transdisciplinary Theorising in Cosmopolitan Worlds’. Journal of New Zealand Studies, NS33 (Uplifting Moana Perspectives: Emerging Pacific Researchers and New Directions in New Zealand-Based Pacific Research), 127–139.
- Thomsen, S. P., Lopesi, L., Gushiken, P. G., Damm L., Lee, K. L., Pickering-Martin, E., Iosefo, F., Naepi, S., Tuiburelevu, L. (2021). ‘Negotiating the Digital Vā: Emerging Pacific Scholars and Community Building on Twitter’. Journal of New Zealand Studies, NS33 (Uplifting Moana Perspectives: Emerging Pacific Researchers and New Directions in New Zealand-Based Pacific Research), 140–152.
- Thomsen, S. P., Lopesi, L., & Leenen-Young, M. (2021). ‘Introduction: Charting Provocations and Exploring New Directions for Pacific Research in Aotearoa–New Zealand from Pacific Early Career Academic (PECA) Perspectives’. Journal of New Zealand Studies, NS33 (Uplifting Moana Perspectives: Emerging Pacific Researchers and New Directions in New Zealand-Based Pacific Research), 1–9.
- Refiti, A. L., Engels-Schwarzpaul, A.-C., Lopesi, L., Lythberg, B., Waerea, L., & Smith, V. (2021). ‘Vā at the time of COVID-19: when an aspect of research unexpectedly turns into lived experience and practice’. Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies, 9(1, New Scholarship in New Zealand and Pacific Studies), 77-85.
- Lopesi, L. (2021). 'I Find Myself in an Entanglement'. In J. Randerson, C. Huddleston & A. Chang (Eds) 2020 Global Asia/Pacific Art Exchange Aotearoa: Ngā Tai o te Ao: the global tides. St Paul St Gallery, AUT; Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU. 58-61.
- Lopesi, L. (2020). 'Quiet Gestures, Gift Exchange and Public Formations: The work of D.A.N.C.E Art Club and Public Share'. In C. Camiere & L. Tan (Eds.). Routledge Companion to Art in the Public Realm. New York: Routledge. 117–125.
Honors and Awards
- Women of Color Summer Writing Grant, 2024
- Summer Stipend for Humanities and Creative Arts Faculty, College of Arts and Sciences
- Ockham Book Awards Longlist, Illustrated Non-Fiction Category for Pacific Arts Aotearoa, 2024
- Faculty Research Grant, Center for the Study of Women in Society, University of Oregon, 2023-2024
- Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit, New Year honours list, 2023
- Ockham New Zealand Book Awards Longlist, General Non-Fiction Category for Bloody Woman, 2022
- Māori & Pacific Excellence Award, Faculty of Design & Creative Technologies, Auckland University of Technology 2021
- Michael King Emerging Pasifika Writers Residency, 2021