Profile picture of Mary Rothbart

Mary Rothbart

Professor Emerit
Research Interests: Temperament, Social-Emotional Development


Dr. Rothbart studies the development of individual differences in temperament using methods that range from questionnaire to laboratory observations.  She has developed parent- and self-report questionnaires for assessing temperament in infancy, childhood, early adolescence, and adulthood.  She has also developed standardized laboratory assessments of temperament, and she has done extensive laboratory work on the early development of the emotions, activity, and attention.  Her research work on development of attentional systems is done in collaboration with Michael Posner. 

Dr. Rothbart is no longer accepting new students.

Rothbart, M.K., & Bates, J.E.  (1998).  Temperament.  In W. Damon (Series Ed.), & N. Eisenberg (Vol. Ed.), Handbook of child psychology:  Vol. 3.  Social, emotional and personality development, (5th Ed).  New York:  Wiley, pp. 105-176.

Ruff, H.A., & Rothbart, M.K.  (1996).  Attention in early development:  Themes and variations.  New York:  Oxford University Press.