Myra Haverda
PhD Student
Graduate Employee
Email: mhaverda@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-5002
Office: 719 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Tuesdays, 10-12 via zoom
Research Interests: Gender, masculinities, trans studies, social movements, social and sociological
Website: http://myrahaverda.wordpress.com
Myra Haverda is a sociology Ph.D. student at the University of Oregon. Before coming to Eugene, she earned her B.A. in sociology and M.S. in sociology at the University of Texas at San Antonio in 2017 and 2019, respectively.
Her research interests include gender, social movements, and theory. Myra's research is publicly available through her profile on ResearchGate.
See her website at https://myrahaverda.wordpress.com/ for more information related to research, teaching, and other related items.
- Campbell, Favor, Myra Haverda, and John P. Bartkowski. 2021. “Rival Bodies: Negotiating Gender and Embodiment in Women’s Bikini and Figure Competitions.” Social Sciences 10(2): 64-99. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10020064
- Haverda, Myra and Jeffrey A. Halley. 2019. “Trump’s 2016 Presidential Campaign and Adorno’s Psychological Technique: Content Analyses of Authoritarian Populism.” tripleC: communication, capitalism & critique 17(2): 18-36. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31269/triplec.v17i2.1077
- Barrie, Courtney K., John P. Bartkowski, and Myra Haverda. 2019. “The Digital Divide among Parents and Their Emerging Adult Children: Intergenerational Accounts of Technologically Assisted Family Communication.” Social Sciences 8(3): 83-112. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci8030083
- Christopher, Allison, John P. Bartkowski, and Myra Haverda. 2018. “Portraits of Veganism: A Comparative Discourse Analysis of a Second-Order Subculture.” Societies 8(3): 55-76. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/soc8030055
Honors and Awards
Tue, 10/08/2019 - 10:59 — thaverda
Scholarships/Grants Received (Awarded $17,734 total)
- Joan Acker Graduate Fellowship (Awarded $1,000 for the 2022-2023 academic year)
- Federal Emergency CRRSAA Grant (Awarded $3,500 for the 2021-2022 academic year)
- Federal Emergency CRRSAA Grant (Awarded $900 for the Spring 2021 term)
- Graduate School Promising Scholar (Awarded $6,000 total for the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 terms)
- AKD Student Member Research Travel Grant (2019) (Awarded $400)
- Dr. Patricia A. Graham Endowed Scholarship (Awarded $1,015 total for Fall 2018 & Spring 2019 semesters)
- UTSA Grant (Awarded $1,100 total for the Fall 2018 & Spring 2019 semesters)
- AKD Student Member Research Travel Grant (2018) (Awarded $400)
- USAA Foundation Scholarship Award/Dean’s Circle Award (Awarded $2,000 total for the Fall 2017 & Spring 2018 semesters)
- Sociology Dean’s Merit Scholarship (Awarded $1,000 for the Fall 2017 semester)
- UTSA Grant (Awarded $600 for the Summer 2017 term)
- UTSA Grant (Awarded $525 for the Spring 2016 term)
- UTSA Grant (Awarded $394 for the Fall 2015 term)
Awards and Honors
- Graduate School Promising Scholar (Awarded $6,000 total and two years of Graduate Employee funding for Fall 2019 and Spring 2020)
- First Place Graduate Sole Author for the Sociology Colloquium at UTSA (2019) ($350)
- Research Award for Data Collection ($500) (2020)
- First Place Graduate Sole Author for the Sociology Colloquium at UTSA (2019) ($350)
- First Place Graduate Co-author for the Sociology Colloquium at UTSA (2019) ($300)
- Second Place Graduate Sole Author for the Sociology Colloquium at UTSA (2018)
- Second Place Graduate Co-author for the Sociology Colloquium at UTSA (2018)
- UTSA VIP Nomination for Fall 2017 (“The VIP nomination is a process that allows a tenured/tenure-track UTSA faculty member to recognize outstanding UTSA seniors, or recent alumni for admission into a graduate program,” see here]
- Outstanding research on behalf of the Academy of Undergraduate Research Associates (AURA) (April 2017)
- First Place in the Undergraduate Research Paper Competition for the 17th Annual Spring [College of Liberal and Fine Arts] Research Conference (March 23, 2017) [Link to awards page]
- First Place Undergraduate Sole Author for the Sociology Colloquium at UTSA (2017) ($50)
- Second Place Undergraduate Co-Author for the Sociology Colloquium at UTSA (2017)
- Dean’s List for Fall 2016
- First Place Undergraduate Student-Authored Paper for the Department of Sociology’s Annual Student Colloquium (2016) ($100)
- Web Programming Marketable Skills Award (2015)
- Academic Achievement Award for Spring 2014
- Full Part-Time Honors (Awarded November 2013)
- Academic Achievement Award for Fall 2013