Trish Pashby
Senior Instructor II
American English Institute, Language Teaching Studies, Linguistics
Email: pashby@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-3906
Office: 279 Straub Hall
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 2:00p-3:00p
Selected Publications
- Khan, A., Parker, M., Pashby, P. (2022) Creating through international partnership: A faculty development center in a Pakistan university. In O. Neisler (Ed.) The Palgrave International Handbook of Academic Professional Development Centers. Springer International Publishing.
- Pashby, P. (2020). Learning to Teach Pronunciation Through Student Textbooks. As We Speak…The Newsletter of the TESOL Speech, Pronunciation, and Listening Interest Section. March 2020.
- Yerian, K., Mikhaylova, A., Pashby, P. & Kato, M. (2019) Native and nonnative teacher candidate perceptions of professional language development in an MA TESOL program. TESOL Quarterly, 53 (2), 552–565.
- Pashby, P. (2015). Classroom scenes from hell: A little levity (courtesy of Hollywood) in the ITA training class. The Newsletter of the TESOL International Teaching Assistants Interest Section. June 2015.
- Pashby, P. & Tibbits, B. (2014). The story reading project: Integrating language learning and teaching for NNES teachers in training. In S. Garton and K. Graves (Eds.) International Perspectives in ELT Materials. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Pashby, P. & Heitman, C. (2013). Strategies for developing independent student pronunciation learning. As We Speak…The Newsletter of the TESOL Speech, Pronunciation, and Listening Interest Section. September 2013.
Selected Presentations
- "Evaluating a training of trainers program for Pakistani ELT faculty" with Andy Halvorsen, TESOL 2023, Portland
- "Utilizing reflective portfolios in the evaluation of teacher-training programs" with Andy Halvorsen, TESOL 2023, Portland
- Plenary: “Motivating Independent Learning” PakTESOL, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2022
- “Writing for Publication: Promoting Education for Sustainable Mountain Development Through Curriculum Enrichment and Capacity Building” Webinar, Karakorum International University, Pakistan, June & September 2022
- “Motivating Language Learners: Principles and Techniques” Webinar, Galala University, Egypt, March 2021
- “Project-Based Learning: Meeting the Needs of English Students in 2020 and Beyond” Pakistan TESOL Webinar Series, October 2020
- “Designing a Non-Language-Specific Teaching Pronunciation Course” International Conference on Language Teacher Education 2019, Minneapolis
- “Our Favorite Hands-on Pronunciation Activities” w/ Nancy Elliott and Char Heitman, ORTESOL Spring Workshop 2018
- “Online Resources Supporting International Graduate Student Writing” TESOL 2018, Chicago
- “Reframing ‘Language Development’ as ‘Professional Language Development’: Addressing Native and Non-Native Teacher-Trainee Needs in a Languag Teaching MA Program” w/ Keli Yerian, Anna Mikhaylova, Misaki Kato International Conference on Language Teacher Education 2017, Los Angeles
- “New Takes on TV Game Shows for the ESL Classroom” w/ Kevin Cross TESOL 2017, Seattle
- “ESP Supporting EMI (English as a Medium of Instruction)” w/ Kay Westerfield TESOL 2016, Baltimore
- “Strategies for Fostering Independent Student Pronunciation Learning” w/ Char Heitman TESOL 2015, Toronto
- “Non-Native and Native Speakers’ Perceptions of Professional Language Development Opportunities within a Language Teaching MA Program” w/ Keli Yerian, Anna Mikhaylova AAAL 2014, Portland
- “Issues, Identity, and Innovation in NNES Teacher Education” w/ Anne Walker, Bedretten Yazan, Sreemall Hedreth TESOL 2013, Dallas
Courses Taught
LT 611 (Master’s Project), LT 4/548 (Curriculum Design and Materials Development), LT 4/541 (Teaching English Pronunciation), LT 4/539 (Design for Language Learning: Pronunciation), LT 4/535 (Second Language Teaching Methods), LT 4/537 (Second Language Teaching Practice), LT 4/528 (Teaching Culture & Literature in the Language Classroom), LING 4/544 (Second Language Acquisition), LING 294 (Child Language), LING 101 (Introduction to Language)