Randall McGowen
Professor Emeritus
Email: rmcgowen@uoregon.edu
Office: 350 McKenzie Hall, 1288 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
- The death penalty and criminal law in 18th and 19th century Britain
- Co-author with Donna Andrew, The Perreaus and Mrs. Rudd: Forgery and Betrayal in Eighteenth-Century London (University of California Press, 2001).
- "Managing the Gallows: The Bank of England and the Death Penalty, 1797-1821," Law and History Review, 2007, 241-82.
- "Cruel Inflictions and the Claims of Humanity in Early-Nineteenth-Century England,"in Assaulting the Past: Placing Violence in Historical Context,
- ed. Katherine Watson (Newcastle, 2007), 38-57.
- "Making Examples' and the Crisis of Punishment in Mid-Eighteenth-Century England,"in The British and Their Laws in the Eighteenth Century,
- ed. David Lemmings, (London, 2005), 182-205.
- "The Bank of England and the Policing of Forgery, 1797-1821," Past and Present, 2005, 81-116.
- "The Problem of Punishment in Eighteenth-Century England," in Penal Practice and Culture, 1500-1900, eds. S. Devereaux & P. Griffiths
- (London, 2003), 210- 31.
- "History, Culture, and the Death Penalty," Historical Reflections, 2003, 229-49.
- "Making the Bloody Code? Forgery Legislation in Eighteenth-Century England," in Law, Crime, and English Society 1660-1840, ed. Norma Landau
- (Cambridge, 2002), 117- 38.
- "From Pillory to Gallows: The Punishment of Forgery in the Age of the Financial Revolution," Past and Present, 1999, 107-40.
- "Knowing the Hand: Forgery and the Proof of Writing in Eighteenth-Century England," Historical Reflections, 1998, 385-414.
- "Prison Reform in England, 1780-1865," Chapter III in the Oxford History of the Prison (New York, 1995), 79-109.
- "Power and Humanity, or Foucault Among the Historians," in Reassessing Foucault, ed. Roy Porter and Colin Jones (London, 1994), 91-112.
- "Civilizing Punishment: The End of the Public Execution in England," Journal of British Studies, 1994, 257-82.
- "Forgery Discovered, or the Perils of Circulation in Eighteenth-Century England," Angelaki, 1993-94, 257-82.
- "Punishing Violence, Sentencing Crime," in The Violence of Representation: Literature and the History of Violence, ed. N. Armstrong & L. Tennenhouse
- (New York, 1989), 140-56.
- "The Changing Face of God's Justice: The Debate Over Divine and Human Punishment in Eighteenth-Century England," Criminal Justice History,
- 1988, 63-98.
- "'He Beareth Not the Sword in Vain': Religion and the Criminal Law in Eighteenth-Century England," Eighteenth-Century Studies, 1987-88, 192-211.
- "The Body and Punishment in Eighteenth-Century England," Journal of Modern History, 1987, 651-79.
- "The Image of Justice and Reform of the Criminal Law in Early Nineteenth- Century England," Buffalo Law Review, 1983, 89-125.