Recent publications include, “Making Walden and Its Sandbank,” Concord Saunterer Vol. 30 n.s. (2022), 10–58;; "Evolutionary Theory" in The Oxford Handbook of Transcendentalism, ed. Joel Myerson, Sandra Harbert Petrulionis, and Laura Dassow Walls (Oxford, 2010); "Performing Loss, Elegy, and Transcendental Friendship," New England Quarterly 81 (2008); “Thoreau’s Multiple Modernities,” in Thoreauvian Modernities: Transatlantic Conversations on an American Icon, ed. François Specq, Michel Granger, and Laura Dassow Walls (Georgia, 2013), and, with John T. Lysaker, Emerson and Thoreau: Figures of Friendship (Indiana, 2010).