CAS Connection - In The News

In the News

Ancient Amazonians created mysterious ‘dark earth’ on purpose”
Science Magazine featured Lucas Silva, environmental science professor, about a new study that suggests dark earth found in the Amazon Rainforest was created by indigenous civilizations. It was also found that modern-day village practices continue to create dark earth. “This could change everything,” Silva said.
Accent Masking Software Aims to Smooth Call Center Interactions
In a news clip by Voice of America, sociology professor Aneesh Aneesh states his opinion on AI being used in call centers. Sanas AI can translate accents to reduce discrimination on customer service calls. Aneesh agrees this could reduce the burden on call center agents, but that “the driving force is transactional.”
What Makes A 'Core Memory'?
HuffPost featured Nicole Dudukovic, neuroscience professor, about the science of memory. A popular term floating around online is “core memory,” or memories formed as children. “There’s this idea [that] every time we’re remembering something, it’s this reconstructive process where our memories are actually changing ... so as we’re remembering, we’re changing our memories,” she said.