History Affiliated Faculty

Mark Carey

Professor of Environmental Studies and Geography
Environmental Studies, Geography
Phone: 541-346-8077
Office: 110 Condon Hall, 1251 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1251
Office Hours: by appointment
Research Interests: environmental history, glaciers and society, climate change, environmental justice, Latin America, the Arctic

Rishav Chatterjee

Graduate Employee
Office Hours: 340J Mckenzie Hall
Research Interests: Medicinal History, Migratory History, Transnationalism, Subaltern Therapeutics

Charise Cheney

IRES, Black Studies
Phone: 541-346-0870
Office: 201 Alder Building
Research Interests: African American Popular and Political Cultures; Black Nationalist Ideologies and Practices; Gender and Sexuality

Miriam Chorley-Schulz

Assistant Professor and Mokin Fellow of Holocaust Studies
German & Scandinavian, Judaic Studies Program, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 419 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Mo, 1–2pm or by appointment
Research Interests: Jewish/Yiddish Studies, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, German Studies, Fascism Studies, Soviet Studies, Race, Critical Theory, Postcolonial Theory, Psychoanalysis, Memory Studies

Patience Collier

Graduate Employee
Phone: 541-346-4828
Office: 343 McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: Native American History, Modern U.S. History, History of Gender, Labor History

Hannah Cutting-Jones

Director of Food Studies
Food Studies, Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 530-327-8479
Office: 105E Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 10-12
Research Interests: Food and colonialism, history of Christian missions in the Pacific, Pacific Islands food culture, food history, nutritional science