History Affiliated Faculty
Spencer Abbe
Graduate Employee
Email: sabbe7@uoregon.edu
Office: 340P McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: Environmental history of Siberia, the North Pacific, and Alaska
Pierce Bateman
Graduate Employee
Email: pbateman@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-4802
Office: 340T McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: history of Alaska and the Pacific World, and oral history
Lucas Burke
Graduate Employee
Email: lburke@uoregon.edu
Research Interests: 20th c. US Politics and Environment; US West
Mark Carey
Professor of Environmental Studies and Geography
Environmental Studies, Geography
Email: carey@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-8077
Office: 110 Condon Hall, 1251 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1251
Office Hours: by appointment
Research Interests: environmental history, glaciers and society, climate change, environmental justice, Latin America, the Arctic
Rishav Chatterjee
Graduate Employee
Email: rishav@uoregon.edu
Office Hours: 340J Mckenzie Hall
Research Interests: Medicinal History, Migratory History, Transnationalism, Subaltern Therapeutics
Charise Cheney
IRES, Black Studies
Email: ccheney@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-0870
Office: 201 Alder Building
Research Interests: African American Popular and Political Cultures; Black Nationalist Ideologies and Practices; Gender and Sexuality
Miriam Chorley-Schulz
Assistant Professor and Mokin Fellow of Holocaust Studies
German & Scandinavian, Judaic Studies Program, School of Global Studies and Languages
Email: miriams@uoregon.edu
Office: 419 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Mo, 1–2pm or by appointment
Research Interests: Jewish/Yiddish Studies, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, German Studies, Fascism Studies, Soviet Studies, Race, Critical Theory, Postcolonial Theory, Psychoanalysis, Memory Studies
Patience Collier
Graduate Employee
Email: pcollier@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-4828
Office: 343 McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: Native American History, Modern U.S. History, History of Gender, Labor History
Hannah Cutting-Jones
Director of Food Studies
Food Studies, Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Email: hcutting@uoregon.edu
Phone: 530-327-8479
Office: 105E Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 10-12
Research Interests: Food and colonialism, history of Christian missions in the Pacific, Pacific Islands food culture, food history, nutritional science
Jack Evans
Graduate Employee
Email: jevans9@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-4802
Office: 340L McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: Fall 23, Wednesdays 2:30-3:30 pm (at Cafe Verso in the library)
Research Interests: History of Religion in the American West, Native American History, History of Education
Audrey Foster
MA student
Email: afos@uoregon.edu
Research Interests: History, Environmental History, 19th Century History, Gender Studies
Breann Goosmann
Graduate Employee
Email: breann@uoregon.edu
Office: 340B McKenzie Hall, 1288 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1288
Research Interests: Medieval Japan
Lee Gray
Graduate Employee
Email: leegray@uoregon.edu
Office: 350J McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: U.S. West, Urban History, Military History
Ian Halter
Graduate Employee
Email: ihalter@uoregon.edu
Office: 350E McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: Histories of Empire, Decolonizing Methodologies, US History, Russian History, Pacific Studies
Kevin D. Hatfield
Director of Academic, Residential, and Research Initiatives;
University Housing
Email: kevhat@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-1977
Office: Living Learning Center, 1220 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1220
Office Hours: Fall 2018: Monday 2:00-3:00 pm, 5:00-6:00 pm.
Collin Heatley
Graduate Employee
Email: cheatley@uoregon.edu
Office: 340R McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: US Environmental History, Political History, History of Capitalism, Labor History
Sarabeth Johnson
Graduate Employee
Email: svjoh@uoregon.edu
Office: MCK 350D
Research Interests: Russia/Soviet Union, Trauma, Migration, Gender
Brian Klopotek
Associate Professor
Email: klopotek@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-0903
Office Hours: Spring 23: Wednesdays noon-2:00 p.m. and by appointment
Research Interests: Native American and Indigenous Studies, Comparative Ethnic Studies, Media and Cultural Studies, Historical Studies, Environmental Justice
Kwangyeol Ko
Graduate Employee
Email: kko2@uoregon.edu
Office: 350F McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: Soviet History: Socialist Politics, Planned Economy, Central-Local Relations, Cold War
Ravinder Kumar
Ph.D. candidate and Graduate Employee
Email: ravink@uoregon.edu
Phone: 5415799292
Office: 350G McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: Winter 2024, Fridays 3 PM to 5 PM
Research Interests: British colonial India, the colonial and post-colonial states, and their interaction with indigenous communities, especially the nomadic and denotified tribes
Nanosh Lucas
Graduate Employee
History, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Email: nanoshl@uoregon.edu
Office: 406 Straub Hall
Office Hours: Winter 23, Monday 11:50-1:50
Research Interests: U.S. History, African American History, Race, Black Power Studies
Spencer McConkie
Graduate Employee
Email: smcconk3@uoregon.edu
Office: 340F McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: Environmental History, History of the American West, Latter-day Saint History
Jennifer O'Neal
Assistant Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies for IRES
IRES, Native American Studies
Email: joneal@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-8830
Office Hours: By Appointment
Research Interests: Native American and Indigenous history; American West history; International Relations; Indigenous Data Sovereignty; Cultural Heritage Archives; Indigenous Knowledge Systems; Digital Humanities
Michele Pflug
Graduate Employee
Digital Humanities, History
Email: mpflug@uoregon.edu
Office: 340C McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: natural history, history of women, digital humanities, British Atlantic
Adam Quinn
Graduate Employee
Email: adamq@uoregon.edu
Office: 350A McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: environmental history, social movements, history of technology, modern US history
Doug Sam
Graduate Employee
Email: dougs@uoregon.edu
Office: 350C McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Tuesdays 2:00-4:00<br />
Sign up at: https://calendly.com/dougm-sam/hist201
Research Interests: Environmental History, Native American History, North American West, Public Lands, History of Astronomy, Dark Sky Studies
Jeff Schroeder
Associate Professor
Religious Studies Advisor
Religious Studies
Email: jschroe9@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-4165
Office: 332 Susan Campbell
Office Hours: Thurs 2:00-4:00 pm<br />
Susan Campbell Hall 332
Research Interests: history of Buddhism in 19th- and 20th-century Japan, especially of the Jōdo Shin sect; Buddhism and World War II; Buddhism, science, and philosophy; democratization of Buddhist institutions; experimental Buddhist communities
Preetham Sridharan
Graduate Employee
Email: preetham@uoregon.edu
Phone: 732-585-3006
Office: 340P McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: Fall 2023, Tue 10:00am-12:00pm
Research Interests: Modern European intellectual history, nineteenth and twentieth-century Europe, history of religious and linguistic thought, modern German history
Elyse St Sauver
Graduate Employee
Research Assistant
Email: jstsauv2@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-1664
Office: Friendly 30
Office Hours: Mondays 1:30-2:30
Mikaela Sweet
Graduate Employee
Email: msweet@uoregon.edu
Office: 340E McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: Soviet Russian History, Women's and Gender History, History of the Family, History of Motherhood, Political History, Social History, Cultural History
Jacob T. Schmidt
PhD Student
Email: jtsch@uoregon.edu
Office: Mackenzie 340L
Research Interests: Native American History, Environmental History, History of the North American West, History of River Development, Climbing and Mountaineering History.
Ian Urrea
Graduate Employee
Email: iurrea@uoregon.edu
Office: 340F McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: History of the Pacific Northwest & Alaska, Indigenous History, Captivity in History, Violence & Colonialism in North America
Lissa Wadewitz
Beekman Professor of Northwest and Pacific History
Email: wadewitz@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-1831
Office: 385 McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: By appointment
Research Interests: Native American, Pacific/Marine World, US West, US Environmental
Olivia Wing
Graduate Employee
Email: owing@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-0900
Office Hours: Spring 23: Tuesdays 3:30-4:20pm, Wednesdays 1-2pm & by appointment
Research Interests: Asian American History, Modern U.S. History, History of Youth Culture, Gender History
Moeko Yamazaki
Graduate Employee
Email: moekoy@uoregon.edu
Phone: 541-346-9590
Office: 340H McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: Winter 23, Wednesday 2:00-4:00 p.m. and by appointment
Research Interests: Labor history, business history, history of capitalism, US history