CAS News

BIOCHEMISTRY AND CHEMISTRY, HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY, PHYSICS - The University of Oregon campus buzzed with energy this summer as local high school students attended the Summer Academy to Inspire Learning (SAIL) program. The students experienced some of the labs and academic opportunities at the College of Arts and Sciences.
CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY - Vickie DeRose, professor and head of chemistry and biochemistry, has been awarded a creativity extension by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for research into the structure and function of ribonucleic acid (RNA) through its interactions with metal ions. Fellow chemist Mike Pluth was awarded an NSF creativity extension in 2023 for his work on the role small sulfur-based molecules play in many biological processes. These molecules were likely key species involved in evolution, especially before there was oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere.
HISTORY - The stories of more than 140 Mexican and Mexican American workers who lived and worked not far from the University of Oregon campus went untold for nearly a century until students in a CAS history class discovered them, countering the white settler-dominant history books of the area. Led by Julie Weise, a history associate professor who focuses on the history of migrations in the Americas, students researched and wrote these local histories as part of a course series called Hidden Histories, which aims to tell the stories of underrepresented communities in Lane County.
POLITICAL SCIENCE - In mid-August, Chandler James, an assistant professor in the College of Arts and Sciences, attended the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) as a district-level delegate. This is what he experienced.
HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY - Differences in the way muscles respond to stress could help explain why certain sports injuries are more common in women compared to men, and vice versa, new research from Damien Callahan, an exercise physiologist at the University of Oregon and graduate student Grace Privett. The two published a study in the journal Experimental Physiology that details how the mechanical properties of muscles change in response to exercise in women.
BIOLOGY, OIMB - A century after its origin as a humble camp on the coast, the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology remains on the cutting edge of marine research and restoration. “For undergraduates, OIMB really gives them the opportunity to be totally immersed in their subject,” says retired instructor Jan Hodder, an OIMB alum who began as a student in the 1970s and later joined the faculty. “Because we’re a residential program, students have 24-hour access to the environment.”
OIMB, BIOLOGY - At the Charleston Marine Life Center a growing collection of unique organisms serve as underwater ambassadors between UO researchers, local community partners, and the public. It’s a place where UO scientists share their discoveries with the public and community members rally around the preservation of local marine life.
PHILOSOPHY - Camisha Russell, an associate professor of philosophy in the College of Arts and Sciences at University of Oregon, has been named a Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellow  for 2024. Each year, approximately 12 scholars are selected for the prize, and Russell is the UO’s first faculty member to receive this honor.
At NW Cyber Camp, a free weeklong summer camp hosted by the University of Oregon Department of Computer Science, high school students learn some of the same skills cyber criminals use to hack into computer networks—but unlike illegal hackers, they’re using their abilities for good. Now in its second year at UO, the camp draws high school students from Eugene and beyond to campus for a week of experiential learning activities.
BIOLOGY, ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES - Associate Professor Lauren Hallett and other members of her lab collect data for the Nutrient Network, a web of 130 sites around the world that monitor how nutrient addition affects biodiversity loss. The resulting data will provide a foundation for research that helps predict and reduce this loss.
ROMANCE LANGUAGES - A set of Angolan revolutionary Mário Pinto de Andrade's writings are now available in English thanks to Lanie Millar and Fabienne Moore, both associate professors in the College of Arts and Sciences. The two published a book of Andrade's essays and speeches they translated from French and Portuguese into English so more people could access his writings and gain perspective on such an important time in history.
POLITICAL SCIENCE - Ideas of what constitutes “normal” in the exercise of presidential duties have changed in recent years, but a new University of Oregon study indicates most Americans still support traditional norms, at least until they run up against partisanship. Chandler James, a political science assistant professor, published this research in Presidential Studies Quarterly.
THEATRE ARTS - When Damon Jones '84 was diagnosed with cancer, he was determined to make some dreams come true. One of those dreams was reviving "The Last Dragon," a stage production he was part of in his last year in the Theatre Department at University of Oregon. Through sheer determination he pulled together the majority of the original cast, and they are staging it live in Portland Aug. 8-10, 2024.
EARTH SCIENCES - The Cascadia Region Earthquake Science Center (CRESCENT) has awarded 14 grants to researchers across the US and beyond to study the Cascadia subduction zone, a massive fault along the West Coast that could generate a magnitude 9.0+ earthquake at any moment. The CRESCENT Seed Grant Program was established to enlist more researchers in the effort to meet those goals.
ECONOMICS, GLOBAL STUDIES, PHILOSOPHY, POLITICAL SCIENCE - Two College of Arts and Sciences students — one attending an immersive Mandarin language study abroad and the other serving on a state of Oregon board on climate change and exploring Peru — are having life-transforming experiences.