School of Computer and Data Sciences

Abie Safdie

Computer Science
Office: 233 Deschutes

Utkarsh Sahu

Computer Science
Office: 226 Deschutes Hall

Jake Searcy

Assistant Professor of Data Science
Data Science, Institute for Fundamental Science
Phone: 541-346-6996
Office: 203A Pacific Hall

Sameer Shende

Director, Performance Research Laboratory
Research Professor
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-0850
Office: 470 Streisinger Hall
Research Interests: High Performance Systems, Scientific Software, Advanced Operating Systems

Mahalet Sisay

CAS ASU 8 Front Office Student Worker
Computer Science, Data Science, Mathematics
Phone: 541-346-4408
Office: DES 120

Mahelet Sisay

CAS ASU8 Front office student woker
Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences, Mathematics
Phone: 5413464408
Office: Dechutes 120
Office Hours: Mon 1-5, Wed 2-5, Fri 9-12

Clayton Small

Research Assistant Professor
Data Science
Phone: 541-346-4232
Office: 319 Pacific Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 3-4:30
Research Interests: Evolutionary Genomics, Computational Biology, Data Science

Kent Stevens

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-4430
Office: 311 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Computational Biomechanics, Three-Dimensional Visualization

Lindy Stewart

Pro Tem Instructor
Computer Science

Joe Sventek

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science, Data Science
Phone: 541-346-3473
Office: 333 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: Monday, 4:00-5:00; Friday, 4:00-5:00
Research Interests: Complex Event Processing, Internet of Things