
Gloria Zabala

Senior Instructor II of Spanish
School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish
Phone: 541-346-4057
Office: UO Annex, Ste 6, 1233 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1233
Office Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 10:30-11:30 by ZOOM Meeting ID: 796 780 0155

Naomi Zack

Professor Emeritus
Research Interests: Philosophy of Race (philosophy of science and political philosophy), Feminist Theory, justice/injustice theory, Disaster Ethics, History of Philosophy (17th c., early 20th c. analytic)

Reuben Zahler

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-5907
Office: 363 McKenzie Hall, 1288 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1288
Office Hours: Spring 23: Fridays 12:30-2:30pm
Research Interests: Latin America

Maureen Zalewski Regnier

Director of Clinical Training
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-7053
Research Interests: Clinical, Developmental Psychopathology, Parental Psychopathology, Maternal Borderline Personality Disorder, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Emotion Regulation, HPA-Axis

Ana Zalyubovskiy

Career Instructor
Phone: 541-346-1528
Office: 219 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: W 9-10am, R 9am-1pm & 3-4pm

Ahmar Zaman

Career Instructor
Office: 421 Straub Hall

Andrew Zavala

Doctoral Student
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience

Dasa Zeithamova

Associate Professor
Chair of the Undergraduate Education Committee, Co-Director of Undergraduate Studies
Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-6731
Office: 325 LISB
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience, Memory

Addy Zeitler

Folklore Graduate Student/ GE
Folklore Program
Phone: 541-346-0385

Hannah Zeller

English Graduate Student / GE
Assistant Director of Graduate Studies
Phone: 5413460529
Office: 209 PLC
Office Hours: Winter Term:<br /> <br /> In Person:<br /> Wednesdays after class, 10-11:30am<br /> <br /> Zoom:<br /> Fridays, 12-1:30pm (email for link or access through Canvas home page)
Research Interests: Post 1970 American Fantasy; Comics; Care Theory; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Black Feminism; Critical University Studies; Queer of Color Critique

Ian Zemke

Assistant Professor
Phone: 541-346-5612
Office: 315 Fenton Hall

Annie Zemper

Assistant Professor
Phone: 541-346-2403
Office: 218 Streisinger Hall

Ruimin Zhang

Graduate Student
Computer Science
Phone: 2066195494
Office: 234 Deschutes Hall

Shiyu Zhang

Graduate Student
Phone: 2027063678
Office: 160 Condon Hall

Zhengdong Zhang

Pre-PhD Student
Phone: 541-346-1443
Office: 115 McArthur Court

Janet Zhang-Lea

Assistant Professor
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-3901
Office: 171 Gerlinger Annex
Research Interests: Motion analysis and movement biomechanics, motor learning and motor control, wearable sensor development

Nik Zhelev

Research Assistant Professor
Director of Quantum Technology Master's Internship Program
Materials Science Institute, OMQ, Physics
Office: Willamette 176
Research Interests: Superconducting Quantum Circuits, Quantum Computing Hardware

Leting Zheng

Ph.D. candidate
East Asian Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages
Research Interests: modern Chinese literature, transnational children’s studies, media (periodicals, films, and comics), visuality, colonial studies, and gender studies

Peter Zheng

Graduate Student
OMQ, Physics
Phone: 541-346-5569
Office: 250 Willamette Hall

Fangsheng(Jasper) Zhou

Graduate student/GE at Geography Dept.
Research Interests: Cartography, GIS, Remote Sensing, Climate Change

Shijing Zhou

Doctoral Student
Research Interests: Cognitive Systems Neuroscience

Junyi Zhu

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Appointment by email request
Research Interests: Chinese Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Human-Environment Interaction, Wild Resources, Agriculture, Traditional Ecological Knowledge

PJ Zrelak

PhD Candidate
Earth Sciences
Office: 307 Volcanology
Research Interests: Numerical Modeling, Volcanic Fluid Dynamics, Instrumentation

Virpi Zuck

Professor Emerita
German & Scandinavian

Alex Zunterstein

Senior Instructor II of Spanish & Assistant Head, Romance Languages
Spanish Heritage Language Program Coordinator
Latinx, Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program
Phone: Contact on Microsoft Teams
Office: 213 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Tues 9-11 *only for students enrolled in my SPAN 312 and SPAN 320 classes. Please contact for SHL advising hours.

Derek Zurenda

PhD Student
Earth Sciences
Office: 222A Pacific
Office Hours: 10-11am
Research Interests: fate and transport of contaminants in nature, distribution of trace metals in different environments, water quality and remediation practices, soil redox chemistry, geochemical controls on ecosystem health, watershed scale solute transport