
Heather Quarles

Senior Instructor II of Spanish
Latinx, Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program
Phone: No UO phone
Office: 223 Friendly
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 1-2pm
Research Interests: Translanguaging, Critical Language Awareness, Sociolinguistics, US Spanish, Critical Pedagogies

Samantha Queeno

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Thursdays 2-3pm & by appointment
Research Interests: Human evolutionary genomics, the evolution of adaptive phenotypes, and developmental gene regulation

Mark Quigley

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-1340
Office: 324 PLC, 1286 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Office Hours: Winter Term: T 2:00-5:00 & by appt.
Research Interests: Colonial, Settler Colonial, and Postcolonial Studies, Irish Literary Studies, Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity, Modernism Studies, Literary and Critical Theory, The Novel, Poetry and Poetics, Postmodern and Contemporary Literary Studies, Cultural Studies

Paul Quigley

Graduate Coordinator
Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, Environmental Studies, Geography
Phone: 541-346-1825
Office: 1720 E 13th Ave., Ste 312
Office Hours: by appointment via email (winter mon - fri 8-4:30)

Adam Quinn

Graduate Employee
Office: 350A McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: environmental history, social movements, history of technology, modern US history

Alex Quinn

Graduate Student
OMQ, Physics
Phone: 541-346-5910
Office: 255A Willamette Hall

Andrea Quintanilla

Masters Student
Earth Sciences
Office: 310F
Office Hours: Fridays 10am-11am
Research Interests: Paleontology, Paleobiology, Fossil Preparation, and Skeletonization

Daniel Quintero Plata

PhD Student
German & Scandinavian, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-4084
Office: 16 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 - 11:00 pm
Research Interests: Daniel’s research interests also include 20th-century German literature, the representation of technology in literature and film, and the exploration of memory narratives. He has also worked on German Romanticism and the cultural transformations of the Weimar Republic. He is especially interested in how these periods reflect and respond to evolving concepts of human identity, autonomy, and memory, shaped by technological advancements.