
Rachel Jackson

Doctoral Student
Research Interests: Neuroscience

Michelle Jacob

Critical and Sociocultural Studies in Education, Curriculum & Teaching, Curriculum and Teacher Education, Educational Foundations, IRES, Sapsikwala Program
Phone: 541-346-9572
Research Interests: Indigenous Methodologies, Spirituality, Health, Education, Indigenous Feminisms, and Decolonization

Gabriel Jacobo Pamplona

Graduate Student, Physics Department
Office: 453 Willamette Hall

Meredith Jacobson

Graduate Employee
Environmental Studies, Sociology
Phone: 541-346-0675
Office: 721 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2023: By Appointment
Research Interests: Environmental sociology, settler colonial studies, forest and fire governance

Rachel Jacobson

Doctoral Student
Office: 339 Straub
Research Interests: Social-Personality

Mary Jaeger

Professor, Graduate Advisor
Classics, Food Studies, Humanities Program, Medieval Studies
Phone: 541-346-4068
Office: 335 Susan Campbell Hall, 1267 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1267
Office Hours: By appointment only

Fatemeh Jafariaghdam Mehrabani

PHD student
Graduate employee
French, Italian, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: Friendly, room 30
Office Hours: Wednesdays 12:30 to 14: 30
Research Interests: Feminisme in french litterature, education, French grammar, French culture

Siavash Jafarizadeh

PhD candidate (Lipshitz)
Phone: 541-346-4719
Office: 312 Fenton Hall
Office Hours: M 10-11am, MW 3-4pm

Sierra Jager

ASU4 Operations/Faculty Support
Phone: 541-346-1731
Office: 163 Straub Hall

Chandler James

Assistant Professor
Political Science
Phone: 541-346-4747
Office: 913 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: By Appointment
Research Interests: American Presidency, Public Opinion, and Political Behavior

Frank James

Disability Studies
Office: 124 Lokey Education Bldg

Jordan James

Doctoral Student
Office: 614 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Thursday 11 am - 1 pm

Elisa Jamgochian

Special Education Program Coordinator (K-12)
Disability Studies, Special Education
Phone: 541-346-5185
Office: 362 HEDCO Education Bldg

Joana Jansen

Associate Director, Northwest Indian Language Institute
Senior Research Associate II
College of Arts and Sciences, Northwest Indian Language Institute, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-914-5143
Office: 1629 Moss St
Research Interests: Indigenous Language Revitalization/Reclamation, Ichishkíin, Sahaptian, teacher development

Jon Jaramillo

Career Instructor of Spanish, Ph.D.
College of Arts and Sciences, Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish
Phone: 541-346-4497
Office: 201 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Mondays 2 to 4 pm. Or, by appointment
Research Interests: Politics, Post colonial Studies, Philosophy, SLAT, Queer Studies, Women's and Gender Studies, Poetry, Cinema, Translation Studies, Memory Studies, Transfeminism

Santiago Jaramillo

Associate Professor
Biology, Neuroscience
Phone: 541-346-5207
Office: 215 LISB, 1210 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1210

Sebastian Jaramillo Diaz

PhD candidate (Levin)
Phone: 541-346-0191
Office: 302 Fenton Hall

Nicolás Jaramillo Torres

PhD candidate (Elias)
Phone: 541-346-0202
Office: 309 Fenton Hall

Joann Jarvis

Science Lab Preparator
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-4650
Office: 160D Klamath Hall

Ramesh Jasti

Organic, Inorganic, Materials, and Supramolecular Chemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-2508
Office: 355 D Klamath Hall, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1253

Laura Jeanty

Associate Professor
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4818
Office: 405 Willamette Hall
Research Interests: experimental high energy physics, the ATLAS experiment, searches for dark matter, supersymmetry, and new long-lived particles, precision electroweak measurements, silicon detectors and data acquisition

Dennis Jenkins

Senior Research Associate
Phone: 541-346-3026
Office: Or State Mus Of Anth, Bldg 107, 1224 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Office Hours:

Janel Jett

Assistant Professor
Political Science
Office: 919 PLC

Owen Jetton

Doctoral Student
Phone: 541-346-1261
Office: 417 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Tuesday and Wednesday 12 PM - 2 PM over Zoom or by Appointment
Research Interests: Macroeconomics, Econometrics

Miles Jew

Master's Student

Nick Jew

Courtesy Research Associate

Huiqiong Jiang

East Asian Languages
Office: Friendly Hall 020

Lei Jiao

College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 541-346-3998
Office: 334 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: AI Systems, Edge Computing, Cloud Computing, Energy Systems, Cybersecurity, Multimedia

Nika Jin

Lab Preparator
Chemistry and Biochemistry

Qusheng Jin

Earth Sciences, Multidisciplinary Science
Phone: 541-346-4999
Office: 320 Cascade Hall, 1272 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Research Interests: contaminant remediation, geochemical and biogeochemical modeling

Zhuo Jing-Schmidt

East Asian Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 318 Friendly Hall, 1248 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1248
Office Hours: Wednesday 9:30AM-11:30AM
Research Interests: Cognitive Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Historical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics

Fatou Jobe

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature

Cory Johns

Computer Science

Abigail Johnson

English Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-0052
Research Interests: Early modern drama and prose, Continental Philosophy, Race, Embodiment, Affect Theory

Darren Johnson

Supramolecular & Materials Chemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-1695
Office: 431 LISB, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1253

David Johnson

Solid State Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Electrochemistry and Materials Science; Rosaria P. Haugland Foundation Chair, Associate Director for MSI Outreach Programs
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-4612
Office: 433 LISB, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1253

Eric Johnson

Associate Professor
On leave—not accepting students
Phone: 541-346-5183
Office: 216 Streisinger Hall

Geoffrey Johnson

ESSP/Geography PhD Candidate
Geography, Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-525-4328
Office: 217A Pacific Hall
Research Interests: Forest Ecology, Environmental History, Climate Change, Human/Environment

James Johnson

Facilities Manager
Phone: 541-346-7301
Office: PO Box 5389,Charleston

Leigh Johnson

Associate Professor
Environmental Studies, Geography
Phone: 541-346-2644
Office: 152 Condon Hall, 1251 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403
Office Hours: Winter 2025: TBA
Research Interests: Climate risk and adaptation, political ecology, finance, development studies, East Africa, restoration, labor, firefighting

Mark Johnson

Philip H. Knight Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Professor Emeritus
College Scholars, Philosophy
Phone: 541-346-5548
Office: 240 Susan Campbell Hall, 1295 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1295
Research Interests: Metaphor Theory, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy and Cognitive Science, American Philosophy, Kant, Moral Theory, Ethical Naturalism, Aesthetics.

Mat Johnson

The Philip H. Knight Chair of the Humanities
Comics and Cartoon Studies, Creative Writing Program, English
Phone: 541-346-0547
Office: 207 Alder Bldg.
Office Hours: Not teaching Spring 2024

Mike Johnson

Trades Maintenance
Phone: 541-346-7302
Office: PO Box 5389,Charleston

Sarabeth Johnson

Graduate Employee
Office: MCK 350D
Research Interests: Russia/Soviet Union, Trauma, Migration, Gender

Dana Johnston

Professor Emeritus
Earth Sciences
Research Interests: experimental petrology, geochemistry

Shawna Johnston

Accounting and Academic Support Technician
Phone: 541-346-7282

Thomas J. Johnston

Fiscal Coordinator 1
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 541-346-3285
Office: 401 Tykeson Hall

Dee Jolly

Graduate Student
Office: CON366-A
Office Hours: Spring 2025: Wednesdays 12:30-2:30PM
Research Interests: transgender health, stress, embodiment, health inequities, chronic illness, chronic pain, social determinants of health, intersectionality, biocultural anthropology

Bre Jones

College of Arts and Sciences, Romance Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish
Office: Friendly 27
Office Hours: Tuesdays 12-12:50pm<br /> Thursdays 1-1:50pm<br />;anonymous&amp;ep=mlink
Research Interests: Service Learning, Translation, Interpretation, Medical Interpretation, Affective Filter, Emotion, Gamification, Game-based learning

Gabby Jones

Graduate Student
Office: 313 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 11:30-1:30 or by appointment
Research Interests: Paleoanthropology, Geometric Morphometrics, Human Osteology, Primatology, Comparative Anatomy, Taphonomy.

Holly Jones

English Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-0064
Office: 332 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: MW 11:15am-1:45pm
Research Interests: Mid-Late 20th century Black American literature and culture, critical race theory, medical humanities, Afrofuturism, black popular culture, psychoanalytic theory, memoir/autobiography writing, Ethnic Studies and sound studies.

Juliana C. Jones

Executive Assistant
Executive Assistant
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 541-346-3501
Office: 401 Tykeson Hall

Makenzy Jones

Field Technician
Oregon Hazards Lab
Earth Sciences

Megan Jones

Research Assistant
Office: Rainier Bldg., CBIRT, Suite 220

Ryan Tucker Jones

Ann Swindells Chair, Department Head, Department of History
Asian Studies, History, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
Phone: 541-346-4859
Office: 383 McKenzie Hall
Office Hours:
Research Interests: Russia, The Pacific, Global Environment

Stephanie Jones

Assistant Professor
Digital Humanities, English
Phone: 541-346-1344

Wesley Jones

PhD Student
General Linguistics Program
Office: 161 Straub Hall
Office Hours: Wed 12-2
Research Interests: language documentation, historical linguistics, Turkic languages, Papuan languages

Jeanette deJong

Associate Professor
Theatre Arts
Phone: 5412856258
Office: 028 MacArthur Court
Office Hours: Winter 2024, Tuesday and Thursday noon-1:00 p.m.
Research Interests: Costume History, Professional Practice in Costume Design, Color, Fabric Modification, Fitting, Patterning and Draping, Fashion

Philippa Jorissen

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 10:00 am - 12:00 pm (virtual)
Research Interests: human ecodynamics, human environmental interactions, coastal and island archaeology, Caribbean archaeology, Pacific archaeology, zooarchaeology, historical ecology, baseline studies, colonization and decolonizing practices

Addie Joseph

Creative Writing Graduate Student/ ENG GE
Office: 314 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: TR 11:30am-1pm

Cyril Journeau

Earth Sciences
Office: 210D

Ivan Juarez-Reyes

Graduate Student, Physics Department
Phone: 541-346-4770
Office: 454 Willamette Hall

Junha Jung

Career Instructor
Phone: 541-346-1325
Office: 218 PLC
Office Hours: Winter Term: M/W 10:30-12:00 &amp; by appt.
Research Interests: Multiethnic American Literature, Anthropology and Literature, Multimodal Composition

Yeojin Jung

PhD student
GE, teaching Korean
East Asian Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 305 Friendly Hall
Research Interests: Foreign-accented speech perception, Second language acquisition, Psycho-/neurolinguistics