
Anika Kabir

Computer Science

Lauren Kahn

Center Manager & Research Scientist
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology
Office: 481 Straub Hall

Emily Kalbrosky

Office Assistant

Elizabeth Kallenbach

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Appointment by email request
Research Interests: Ethnohistory, archaeology, cultural heritage management

Nina Kankanyan

Doctoral Student
Graduate Employee
Political Science
Phone: 541-346-4864
Office: 814 PLC
Office Hours: Sp 2024: Friday 12-1 via Zoom (

William Kantor

Professor Emeritus

Vsevolod Kapatsinski

Department Head
Phone: 541-346-3923
Office: 367 Straub Hall
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 2:00p-3:30p, in person or Zoom
Research Interests: computational learning theory, constituency, unitization, frequency effects, probabilistic morphophonology, inferential statistics, usage-based linguistic theory, mechanisms of language change

Sharon Kaplan

Graduate Specialist
Economics, Political Science, Sociology
Phone: 541-346-1261
Office: 175 PLC

Andy Karduna

Professor and Department Head
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-0438
Office: 304 Gerlinger Hall
Research Interests: Upper extremity biomechanics

Apoorva Karekal

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4107
Office: 181 Esslinger Hall

Lamia Karim

Professor & Department Head
Anthropology, Asian Studies, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-5095
Office: 375 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Wed from 2-3 PM and by appointment and Zoom
Research Interests: women, work, neoliberalism, state, and Islam

Gyanu Karki

Doctoral Student
Office: 823 PLC

Leif Karlstrom

Associate Professor of Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-4323
Office: 120A Cascade Hall
Research Interests: volcanology, surface processes, fluid mechanics

Kathleen Karlyn

Professor Emerita
Phone: 541-346-1526
Office: 519 PLC
Office Hours:

Alisa Karns

Academic Programs Assistant - Physics Faculty
Phone: 541-346-4409
Office: 120B Willamette

Christina Karns

Assistant Research Professor
Senior Instructor I
Phone: 541-346-0550
Office: Rainier Building, CBIRT, Suite 220

Emily Karolidis

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4114
Office: 405 Hayward Field

Ingrid Karson-Hickman

Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Academic Support Unit 6
Multidisciplinary Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-6052
Office: 91 Klamath Hall

Alexander Kashirin

Professor pro tempore
Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
Phone: 541-346-4826
Research Interests: Russia, European History

Rugile Kasperiunaite

Office: 221 Susan Campbell Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3-5 PM
Research Interests: Language, Logic, Philosophy of Technology, Pre-Qin Chinese and Ancient Greek Philosophy

Sydney Katz

Master's Student
Phone: 541-346-4589
Office: 247 Columbia
Research Interests: soil science, climate change, wildfire management, fire ecology, and landscape restoration

Sabrina Kaufelt

Graduate Employee
GE for Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Phone: 541-346-0900
Office: 303 Alder Bldg
Office Hours: Please email GEs using your UO email account or use Canvas if enrolled in a course.

Ben Kauffman

Graduate Student
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Office: 361 Willamette Hall

Craig Kauffman

Professor of Political Science
Director of Graduate Studies; Participating Faculty in Environmental Studies and Latin American Studies
Political Science
Phone: 541-346-4974
Office: 916 PLC
Office Hours: Sp24: Tuesday 11:00 - 2:00
Research Interests: Environmental Politics, Ecological Law, Rights of Nature, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Transnational Networks, Collaborative Governance, Democratization

Heidi Kaufman

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-3932
Office: 327 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: F 10am-1pm & by appt.

Masami Kawai

Assistant Professor
Asst Professor of Cinema Studies
Cinema Studies Program
Phone: 541-346-8141
Office: 254 PLC
Research Interests: Directing, Screenwriting, Producing, and Independent Filmmaking

Allan Kays

Professor Emeritus
Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-4578
Office: Eugene OR

Parichehr Kazemi

PhD Candidate
Graduate Employee
Political Science
Office: 816 PLC
Office Hours: Sp24: Thursday 1-3:50
Research Interests: Political Theory and Comparative Politics: Nondemocratic Regimes, Democratization, Revolutionary Models, Leadership

John Keana

Professor Emeritus
Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry & Polymer Surface Functionalization
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-4609
Office: 386 Onyx Bridge

Rebecca Keating

GE for Philosophy Winter 2021
Office: 211 Susan Campbell Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 2-3, Friday 2-3
Research Interests: My philosophic interest is in freedom, access to and the potential of freedom, and knowledge in relation to freedom.

Kyle Keeler

English Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-1595
Office: 455PLC

Sheila Keen

Associate Director Academic Service Unit
Economics, General Social Sciences, Political Science, Sociology
Phone: 541-346-4852
Office: 175 PLC

Mackenzie Kehmeier

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4107
Office: 110 Pacific Hall

Vera Keller

Phone: 541-346-6903
Office: 309 McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: Winter 23, Tuesday 2:00-3:00 p.m., Wednesday 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Kandyce Kelley

Research Assistant
Office: Rainier Bldg., CBIRT, Suite 220

Michael Kellman

Professor Emeritus
Theoretical Chemistry & Physical Chemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Institute for Fundamental Science
Phone: 541-346-4196
Office: 151B Klamath Hall

Shay Kelly

Doctoral Student - PhD Spring 2024
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology
Office: 332 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Clinical

Kate Kelp-Stebbins

Associate Professor
Comics and Cartoon Studies, English
Phone: 541-346-1520
Office: 333 PLC
Office Hours: Summer term: Thursday 12-3pm via Zoom
Research Interests: Colonial, Settler Colonial, and Postcolonial Studies, Comics and Cartoon Studies, Digital Humanities, Feminism Studies, Film, Television, and Media Studies, Postmodern and Contemporary Literary Studies, Race, Ethnicity, and Indigeneity

Ashley Kemper

Graduate Employee
First Year Masters Student
Environmental Studies
Research Interests: sustainability, waste colonialism as it relates to fast fashion, sustainable business practices, degrowth, ecology, environmental policy

Paul Kempler

Research Assistant Professor
Associate Director, Oregon Center for Electrochemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-7652
Office: 430 LISB
Research Interests: electrochemistry, surface chemistry, electrolysis, hydrogen

Alia Kempton

Folklore Graduate Student
English Department GE
Folklore Program
Phone: 541-346-8750
Office: 228C PLC
Office Hours: Winter term: MW 1400-1530

Tyler Kendall

Linguistics, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-3199
Office: 373 Straub Hall

Claire Kepple

Graduate Employee, Spanish MA Student
Office: 30 Friendly Hall
Research Interests: Latin American Studies, Latin American History, 20th Century Latin American Literature, Memory, Testimony, Peruvian History, Border Studies, Mexican Studies, Caribbean Studies

Andrew Kern

Associate Professor
Office: 301A Pacific Hall

Mina Kerr

English Graduate Student/GE
Phone: 541-346-0053
Office: 214 PLC
Office Hours: Spring Term: MW 11am-12:30pm

Carolin Keutzer

In Memoriam
Research Interests: Clinical

Stephen Kevan

Retired Professor
Phone: 541-346-4742
Office: 176 Willamette Hall
Research Interests: Thin film and surface physics; magnetism

Kamrun Nahar Keya

Graduate Employee
Phone: 9407581291
Office: Condon 208
Office Hours: Friday 10 AM to 11 AM

Murat Kezer

Doctoral Student
Office: 365 Straub
Research Interests: Social-Personality

Harinder Khalsa

Senior Instructor II of Italian/YLC Self Study Language Program Coordinator
Romance Languages
Phone: 541-346-1540 (email preferred)
Office: MCK 161
Office Hours: TW 2:00-2:30 PM or by appointment
Research Interests: Italian language and culture, Turkish language and culture, Less Commonly Taught Languages, second language acquisition, teaching and teacher training.

Dong Hoon Kim

Associate Professor of Cinema Studies
Cinema Studies Program
Phone: 541-346-4108
Office: 104 PLC
Office Hours: Spring 24: Fridays 1-2:30p.m. or by appointment

Ghootae Kim

Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Interests: Brice Kuhl Lab

Ha Beom Kim

Courtesy Research Associate
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 366A Condon Hall
Office Hours:

Jina Kim

Associate Professor, Korean Literature & Culture
East Asian Languages
Office: 403 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Fall 2023:Friday 12:00 (Noon)-2:00 pm Global Scholars Hall 105
Research Interests: Modern Korean literature, Comparative literature, Sound studies, Radio studies, Transmedia, Korean diaspora

Sojeong Kim

Doctoral Student
Office: 364 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Clinical

Alan Kimball

Professor Emeritus
History, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
Office: 340V McKenzie Hall

Daniel Kimble

Professor Emerit
Research Interests: Neuroscience, Physiological

Charles Kimmel

Professor Emeritus

Sarah Kinsey

Computer Science
Office: 224 Deschutes Hall

Ceili Kirkaldie

Doctoral Student
Office: 430 PLC
Office Hours: Spring 2024: Tuesday 10:45AM-11:45AM

Yukihiro Kitagawa

Doctoral Student
Office: 461 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Clinical

Justin Kittell

Graduate Student
OMQ, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4770
Office: 171 Klamath Hall

Rachael Klaiss

Graduate Student
OMQ, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4770
Office: 74 Willamette Hall

Sarah Klassen

Courtesy Research Associate
Office: 110 Gerlinger Hall

Martin Klebes

Associate Professor
German & Scandinavian
Phone: 541-346-2818
Office: 205 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: On leave
Research Interests: 18th- through 21st-century German and French literature, philosophy and critical thought.

Alexander Kleshchev

Phone: 541-346-4718
Office: 314A Fenton Hall

Elina Kleshcheva

Phone: 541-346-0220
Office: 333F Tykeson Hall
Office Hours: Monday 10-11:00; 2:30-3:30; Wednesday 10-11, 2:30-3:30

Filip Kletnikov

PhD Student
Graduate Employee
German & Scandinavian
Office: Friendly Hall 16
Office Hours: Spring Term 2024: by appointment (Location: Yamada Language Center, MCK 175)
Research Interests: Nihilism, Anarchism, Poetry, Expressionism, Decadence, Female Mysticism

Brian Klopotek

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-0903
Office: 205 Alder Bldg
Office Hours: Spring 23: Wednesdays noon-2:00 p.m. and by appointment
Research Interests: Native American and Indigenous Studies, Comparative Ethnic Studies, Media and Cultural Studies, Historical Studies, Environmental Justice

Gary Klug

Professor Emeritus
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4107
Office: 181 Esslinger Hall

Addison Knight

English Graduate Student

Jonathan Knight

Operations Coordinator
African Studies, Asian Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, East Asian Languages, European Studies, Food Studies, German & Scandinavian, Global Health Program, Global Studies, Ichishkiin Language, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin American Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Native American Studies, Northwest Indian Language Institute, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program, Yamada Language Center
Phone: 541-346-0951
Office: 114 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: 8-4:30 M-F

Lisa Knox

Graduate Program Coordinator
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-1440
Office: 181A Esslinger

Kwangyeol Ko

Graduate Employee
Office: 350F McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: Soviet History: Socialist Politics, Planned Economy, Central-Local Relations, Cold War

Richard Koch

Professor Emeritus

Daniela Koeck

Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Office: CERN, Switzerland

Markus Koeneke

Research Assistant
Oregon Hazards Lab
Earth Sciences
Research Interests: Soil and Environmental Hydrogeochemistry

Stephen Kohl

Associate Professor Emeritus, Japanese Literature
Asian Studies, East Asian Languages
Phone: 541-346-4006
Office: 308 Friendly Hall

Nick Kohler

Senior Instructor I
Phone: 541-346-4160
Office: 107E Condon Hall
Research Interests: GIScience, Remote Sensing, Cartography, Human-Environmental relations, Geography of Adventure.

Van Kolpin

Associate Head
Economics, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-3011
Office: 512 PLC
Office Hours: W24: by appointment
Research Interests: game theory, microeconomic theory, social choice theory

Addy Koneval

Career Instructor
Office: TYK 301K
Office Hours: Spring Term: In person MW 10:30am-12pm; Online R 2-3:30pm

Amy Konyn

Pro Tem Instructor
Research Associate
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology

Colin Koopman

Professor of Philosophy
Director of New Media and Culture Certificate Program & Pre-Law Advisor (on leave 2024)
Phone: 541-346-5980
Office: 250A Susan Campbell Hall
Office Hours: By Appointment
Research Interests: Political Philosophy, Information Politics and Data Ethics, AI, History of Philosophy, Genealogy, Pragmatism

Erin Koozer

Accounting Technician
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-2147

Mariah Kornbluh

Assistant Professor
Office: 333 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Developmental

Michael Koscho

Associate Department Head and Faculty Advisor
Senior Instructor II
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-2924
Office: 175 Onyx Bridge

Artie Kotov

MA Student and Graduate Employee
Language Teaching Studies
Office: 368 Straub Hall
Office Hours: MW 10-11 am or Zoom by appointment
Research Interests: Intercultural Communication, Sociolinguistics, Historical Linguistics, Newspeak in Russian; Gender in Russian, Gender in English, Occasional Words, Teaching English to Refugees and Displaced Persons

Finn Koval

Graduate Programs Assistant
Black Studies, Cinema Studies Program, CLLAS, Creative Writing Program, History, IRES, Latinx, Native American Studies, Theatre Arts, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Phone: 541-346-0192
Office: 201 McKenzie Hall

Anna Kovalchuk

Career Instructor
Phone: 541-346-1532
Office: 301A Tykeson Hall
Office Hours: Spring Term: TR 12-1:30pm
Research Interests: national narratives, comparative and world literature, Cossack history, Ukrainian and Russian literature

Ryan Kovatch

Computer Science

David Kracke

Oregon Brain Injury Advocate/Coordinator
Office: Rainier Bldg., CBIRT, Suite 220

Matthias Kramer

Comparative Literature Graduate Student
Comparative Literature
Phone: 541-346-0934
Research Interests: Speculative Thought, Japanese and Anglophone Literature, Translated Literature and Literary Translation, Queer Theories and Theories of Deconstruction

Richard Kraus

Professor Emeritus
Asian Studies, Political Science
Phone: 541-346-4894
Office: 320B Chapman Hall
Research Interests: Comparative Politics, Chinese Politics, Politics of Culture

Nick Kreter

Postdoctoral Scholar
Human Physiology

Graham Kribs

Director, Institute for Fundamental Science
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4853
Office: 477 Willamette Hall
Research Interests: Effective Field Theory of Models Beyond the Standard Model; Particle Astrophysics; Early Universe Cosmology.

Justin Krier

PhD Student
Earth Sciences

Bjørn Ralf Kristensen

GE for Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies, Philosophy
Phone: 541-346-5057
Office: 144 COL
Office Hours: Mondays 8:00am to 10:00am and by appointment during Summer 2024
Research Interests: Multispecies Studies, Animal Ethics, Medical and Public Health Ethics, Environmental Philosophy, Hermeneutics, American Pragmatism (John Dewey), Ecofeminism (Val Plumwood), Development Studies, Water & Sanitation, Informal Settlements

Lori Kruckenberg

Professor of Musicology
Medieval Studies, Music
Phone: 541-346-3763
Office: 101 Frohnmayer Music Bldg
Research Interests: Middle Ages, gender studies

Allison Kubo

Ph.D. Student
Earth Sciences
Office: 103 Volcanology
Research Interests: volcanic hazards, pyroclastic density currents, computational modeling

Kelsi Kuehn

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1-3 in CON 356 or by appointment on zoom
Research Interests: LGBTQ+ Health and Resilience, Queer Studies, Human Skeletal Biology, Structural Violence, Environmental Stressors

Lily Kuentz

Master's Student
Phone: 541-346-4564
Office: 105 Condon Hall
Research Interests: Arctic geopolitics, environmental justice, environmental history, critical remote sensing, cryogeomorphology

Brice Kuhl

Associate Head
Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-4983
Office: 333 LISB
Research Interests: Cognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Cognitive Control, fMRI Methods

Michael Kuhn

Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies
Phone: 541-346-1268
Office: 517 PLC
Office Hours: S24: Thursday 9:15-11:15
Research Interests: Behavioral economics, public economics, labor economics, consumer finance

Kate Kulyk

Doctoral Student
Office: 470 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Social Personality

Ravinder Kumar

Ph.D. candidate and Graduate Employee
Phone: 5415799292
Office: 350G McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: Fall 2023,Monday 10am to 12pm
Research Interests: British colonial India, the colonial and post-colonial states, and their interaction with indigenous communities, especially the nomadic and denotified tribes

Megan Kunze

Assistant Research Professor
SPED EI/ECSE Practicum Supervisor
Applied Behavior Analysis, College of Education, Psychology, Special Education

Mary Kupsch

Folklore Graduate Student
Folklore Program

Nessie Kurganova

GE Russian Language Instructor
Graduate student
Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
Office: Friendly 30
Office Hours: M 2-3 & T 10-11 or by appt
Research Interests: Language pedagogy, gender discourse

Philip Kurtz

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology

Olga Kuskova

Research Interests: Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Imagination and Reality

Allyson Kuznia

Doctoral Student
Office: 427 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Developmental

Kate Kwasneski

Doctoral Student
Office: 461 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Clinical

Hyeong-ki Kwon

Courtesy Research Associate
Asian Studies

Nayoung Kwon

Associate Professor, Korean Linguistics
Korean Sector Representative
East Asian Languages
Phone: 541-346-4179
Office: Friendly Hall 425

Kris Kyle

Associate Professor
Language Teaching Studies, Linguistics
Phone: 541-346-3808
Office: 273 Straub Hall
Office Hours: Tue 1:30p-2:30p