
Will Fabro

Office Generalist, Academic Support Unit 5
Black Studies, Cinema Studies, CLLAS, Creative Writing Program, History, IRES, Latinx, Native American Studies, Theatre Arts, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Office: 275 McKenzie Hall

Liz Fairchild

Graduate Employee
Theatre Arts
Phone: 541-346-4204
Office: Email for Appointments
Research Interests: Theatre of the Oppressed, Brecht, public theatre, feminism and intersectionality, adaptation, and science fiction for the stage.

Alex Famiano

ProTem Research Assistant
Human Physiology

Nick Famoso

Courtesy Research Associate
Paleontology Program Manager/Museum Curator, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
Earth Sciences
Research Interests: Vertebrate Paleontology

Ling Fan

Accounting Technician
College of Arts and Sciences, Computer Science, Data Science, Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-0664
Office: DES 120 and CAS 100C
Office Hours: 8:30 to 5:00 pm M,T,F REMOTE

Yuan Fang

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office Hours: Appointment by email request
Research Interests: East Asian archaeology, human-animal relations, mortuary practices, rituals, Han Dynasty China, Chinese art

Arthur Farley

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-1387
Office: 258 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Communication Networks, Artificial Intelligence

Megan Farmer

English Graduate Student/ GE
Phone: 541-346-3911
Office: ASU3 English

Ben Farr

Associate Professor
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-5201
Office: 470 Willamette Hall

Karli Farrimond

Executive Support Coordinator
Biology, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Multidisciplinary Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-1584
Office: 77 Klamath

Krista M. Farris

Admissions Coordinator
American English Institute
Phone: 541-346-0826
Office: 106 Agate Hall

Marilyn Farwell

Professor Emerita
Office Hours:

Shannon Fasola

Workforce Program Manager (CRESCENT)
Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-4754

Umme Fatema

PhD Student
Earth Sciences
Office: 205B Cascade Hall
Research Interests: Experimental Petrology, Geochemistry

Caitlin Fausey

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-4951
Office: 465 Straub Hall, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Developmental, Cognitive Development, Language, Vision, Music, Everyday Infancy

Sarah Feeney

Comparative Literature Graduate Student/ GE
Comparative Literature

Michael Feigen

PhD student (Proudfoot)
Phone: 541-346-0159
Office: Fenton Hall 209

Deion Fellers

Graduate Student
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4770
Office: 315 Willamette Hall

Scott Fellman

Pro Tem Instructor
Office: Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art Room 148

Michelle Fenesy

Clinical Assistant Professor
Associate Clinic Director
Phone: 541-346-0163

Skylyn Ferguson

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Office: 110 Pacific Hall

Aileen Fernandez

PhD Candidate
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 313 Condon Hall
Research Interests: Morphometrics, Human Anatomy, Human Evolution, Locomotion, Hominins, Ontogeny, Osteology, Functional Morphology

Anaïs Ferot

Courtesy Faculty
Earth Sciences
Office: 310D Cascade Hall, 1272 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1272

Stephen Fickas

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-3964
Office: 311 Deschutes Hall, 1202 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403
Research Interests: Data Science, Machine Learning in production, Interdisciplinary applications, Urban Planning, Environmental Science

Lisa Fink

English Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-1506
Office: 118 PLC
Research Interests: environmental justice; indigenous, race, & ethnic studies; american studies; poetry & poetics; digital humanities

Elizabeth Fischer

Graduate Student

Thomas Fischer

Mellon GE
Asian Studies
Phone: 8606576960
Research Interests: Modern Chinese history, ideology, political philosophy

Carolyn Fish

Assistant Professor
Phone: 541-346-4197
Office: 164 Condon Hall
Research Interests: cartography, map design, climate change communication, mapping environment-society interactions.

Cassandra Fisher

Senior Instructor
Phone: 541-346-0164
Office: 333A Tykeson Hall, 1222 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222
Office Hours: Mon/Wed: 2−3pm, Tues/Fri: 10−11am

Kayla Fisher

Doctoral Student
Political Science
Phone: 541-346-4864
Office: 810 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Tuesday 11-12pm

Mitch Fisher

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Office: 346 Gerlinger Hall

Scott Fisher

Astronomy Lecturer and Outreach Dir
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4799
Office: 103C Klamath Hall, 1274 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1274

Michael Fishlen

Associate Professor Emeritus, Chinese Literature
Asian Studies, East Asian Languages
Office: 308 Friendly Hall, 1248 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205

Erin Fitch

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Earth Sciences
Office: Cascade Hall 100
Research Interests: Volcanology, Numerical Modeling, Hydrovolcanism

Scott Fitzpatrick

Curator for Indo-Pacific Archaeology, Museum of Natural and Cultural History
Anthropology, Asian Studies
Phone: 541-346-9380
Office: 272 Condon Hall, 1218 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1218
Office Hours: W/F 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Research Interests: Pacific and Caribbean archaeology, historical ecology, exchange systems, seafaring

Emalydia Flenory

English Graduate Student / GE
Phone: 541-346-0064
Office: 241 PLC
Office Hours: Winter Term: Tuesdays 12-1pm & Fridays 9-10am (schedule an appt at
Research Interests: Black sexuality; porn studies; Black feminist theory; 20th and 21st century U.S. visual culture & popular media; African American literature

Deanna Flores

PhD Student
Earth Sciences
Office: 149 Cascade Annex
Research Interests: Anatomy, Vertebrate Paleontology, Mammalogy

Juan Flores

Senior Instructor I
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-1398
Office: 158 Deschutes Hall
Office Hours: M 2-3, W 3-4, (R,F) 2-3
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Time Series Forecasting

Jen Flynn

Operations Coordinator
Academic Support Unit 4
Human Physiology, Linguistics, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-2494
Office: Straub 127
Office Hours: 8am-5pm | In office Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri; Remote Thursday

Mary Follo

PhD Candidate
Graduate Employee
Political Science
Phone: 541-346-4864
Office: 833 PLC
Office Hours: SP24: Wednesday 11am-1pm
Research Interests: Affordable and Fair Share Housing, Land-Use Policy, Governance

Brandon Folse

PhD Candidate
Graduate Employee
Office: 607 PLC
Research Interests: migration, citizenship, consumption, teaching sociology, ethnography, futures

Mark Fonstad

Associate Professor
Climate Studies, Geography
Phone: 541-346-4208
Office: 107F Condon Hall, 1251 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1251
Office Hours: Spring 2024: Mondays 12PM- 1PM
Research Interests: Geomorphology, Hydrology, Remote Sensing, Environmental Simulation

Alexa Foor

English Graduate Student, Environmental Studies Graduate Student
Editor in Chief, Ecotone
English, Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-346-5057
Office: 144 Columbia Hall
Research Interests: Queer theory, Rural Studies, Indigenous Studies, Environmental Justice

Karen J. Ford

Professor Emerita

Lauren Forrest

Assistant Professor
Phone: 541-346-4803
Research Interests: Clinical, Eating Disorders, Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors, Applying Advanced Quantitative Methods to Clinical Science, Intersectionality, Multilevel Influences

Nicholas Forster

Assistant Professor
Cinema Studies
Phone: 541-346-0217

Audrey Foster

MA student
Research Interests: History, Environmental History, 19th Century History, Gender Studies

Joe Foster

Postdoctoral Scholar
Office: 103 McArthur Court

John Bellamy Foster

Professor Emeritus
Phone: 541-346-5016
Office: 628 PLC, 1291 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1291
Office Hours: Winter 2023: 11:00 A.M.--1:00 P.M. Tuesdays (Zoom Drop-In Office Hours), or by appointment 11:00-12:00 (Email Office Hours)
Research Interests: Population and Ecology, Theory Knowledge Science, Work Economy and Organizations

Madison Fowler

ESSP Doctoral student/GE
Environmental Studies, English
Office: UO Annex 128
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Thursdays 4:00-6:00pm or by appt.
Research Interests: Indigenous environmental literatures, public lands, US empire, bordertowns, LAND BACK!

Jade Fraley

Academic and Operations Coordinator, ASU #3
College of Arts and Sciences, Arabic Studies, Classics, Comics and Cartoon Studies, Comparative Literature, Digital Humanities, Disability Studies, English, Folklore Program, Humanities Program, Medieval Studies, Philosophy, Religious Studies
Phone: 5413460934
Office: 118 PLC
Office Hours: M/T/Th 8:30a-3:30p (in person) | W 8:30a-12:00p (in person) and 1:00p-4:30p (remote) | F 8:30a-3:30p (Remote)
Research Interests: B.A. Communication Disorders & Sciences, Lover of Theatre Arts & Dogs

Giacomo Frazzetta

Graduate Employee
Romance Languages
Phone: (541) 5790627
Office: 30 Friendly Hall
Research Interests: Comparative Literature, Cinema Studies, Romanticism, Modernism, Postmodernism, Italy's South, Mafia Films

Laura Fredrickson

Assistant Professor
Phone: 541-346-0166
Office: 321 Fenton Hall

Alisa Freedman

Professor, Japanese Literature, Cultural Studies, and Gender
Asian Studies, Comics and Cartoon Studies, East Asian Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages, Translation Studies
Phone: 541-979-7794
Office: 404 Friendly Hall, 1248 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Office Hours: Fridays, 10:30-12:00 on Zoom (Please email for an appointment.)
Research Interests: Cross-cultural,transnational Asian Studies; cultural studies; intersectional gender studies; popular culture; media studies; biographies & memoirs; youth culture; modern Japanese literature; digital culture; urban studies; translation; academic publishing

Kathleen Freeman

Director of Undergraduate Studies
Senior Instructor II
Computer Science, Multidisciplinary Science
Phone: 541-346-3470
Office: 154 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Computing Education

Theodore Fremd

Courtesy Research Associate
Adjunct Curator, MNCH
Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-4573
Office: 304 Volcanology Bldg

Natasha Freudmann

Project Coord 1 DSN Lab
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology
Office: LISB 117

Raymond Frey

Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-5873
Office: 462 Willamette Hall, 1274 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1274
Research Interests: Astrophysics, gravitational waves

Jennifer Freyd

Professor Emerit
Phone: 541-346-4929
Research Interests: Clinical, Psychology of Trauma

Alena Friedrich

Doctoral Student
Office: 420 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Mondays 3 pm - 5 pm

Leo Fries

Pre-PhD Student
Phone: 541-346-1419
Office: 115 McArthur Court

Jessy Frieze

Operations Coordinator
Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Geography, College of Arts and Sciences
Office: Condon 107

Olivia Frigoletto

Doctoral Student
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology
Research Interests: Clinical

Halley Fritze

PhD candidate (Sinha)
Phone: 541-346-5620
Office: 311 Fenton Hall

Stephen Frost

Co-Director of Graduate Studies
African Studies, Anthropology
Phone: 541-346-5161
Office: 353 Condon Hall, 1218 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 9-10 a.m.

Javay Frye-Nekrasova

Doctoral Student
Graduate Teaching Fellow
SOJC, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Office: 312 Allen
Research Interests: Sexuality & Media, Sex Work, Kink & BDSM

Lynn Fujiwara

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-0902
Office Hours: Fall '22: By appointment only. Email for appointment.
Research Interests: Asian American Studies; Women of Color Feminisms and Queer of Color Critique; Immigration; Gender and Sexuality Studies; Media and Cultural Studies; Social Policy

Teppei Fukuda

Graduate Student (doctoral)
East Asian Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-4084
Office: Friendly Hall 114
Research Interests: Japanese aesthetics related to seasons, Japanese poetry, Manga, Japanese Onomatopoeia, Translation

Linda Fuller

Professor Emerita
Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies

Lovelle Fulton

Graduate Student

Yukari Furikado-Koranda

Senior Instructor II, Japanese Language
East Asian Languages, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 541-346-4002
Office: 313 Friendly Hall, 1248 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Office Hours: M/W 2:15pm-3:45pm or by appointment

Kathy Furrer

Graduate Support Specialist ASU#3
College of Arts and Sciences, Classics, Comparative Literature, English, Folklore Program, Humanities Program, Philosophy, Religious Studies
Phone: 541-346-1501
Office: 118 PLC, 1286 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1286
Office Hours: Winter Term: Mon: Remote Avail. by Email Tues: 9:30-Noon/1-3:30 Wed & Thurs & Fri: 8:30am-Noon/1 to 3:30pm