Social Sciences

Nakiessa Abbassi

Doctoral Student
Graduate Employee
Political Science
Phone: 541-346-4864
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Tuesdays 10am-11am
Research Interests: Environmental Law and Policy, Environmental Justice, Sustainable Development, Climate Resilience

Cy Abbott

Ph.D. Student
Phone: 541-346-4965
Office: 202 Condon
Office Hours: Wednesdays 11:30-1:00
Research Interests: Cultural Geography, Border Theory, Geopolitics, Historical Geography, Europe and the Middle East

Jacques Abelman

Assistant Professor
Food Studies
Phone: 541-346-3884
Office: 211 Lawrence Hall
Office Hours: Wednesday and Friday 11am - 12pm | By appointment.
Research Interests: Social Justice, Landscape Infrastructure, Food Systems, Agroecology, Research Through Design, Urban Agriculture

Nathan Adams

Academic Programs Manager
College of Arts and Sciences, Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Geography
Phone: 5413465057
Office: 312 Condon Hall

Precious Adejumobi

Graduate Student
Office: CON 365/366
Office Hours: By appointment via email
Research Interests: Medical Anthropology, Chronic Reproductive Diseases, Women's Health, Alternative Healthcare, Religion and Health, Pentecostalism, Public Spaces, Traditional Markets, Traditional Apprenticeship, Nigeria

Michael Aguilera

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-5059
Office: 732 PLC, 1291 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1291
Office Hours: Winter 2023: Monday and Wednesday 1:30-2:30pm
Research Interests: Inequalities and Stratification, Population and Ecology, Race and Ethnicity, Work Economy and Organizations

Carlos Aguirre

CLLAS, History, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-5905
Office: 333 McKenzie Hall, 1288 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1288
Office Hours: Winter 23, Monday 10:00-11:00 a.m., Wednesday 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Mahnoor Ahmed

Graduate Employee
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 5412326787
Office: Friendly 30
Office Hours: Thursdays, 2pm-3pm
Research Interests: Sustainable and Participatory Development

Melvin Aikens

Director and Professor Emeritus of the Museum of Natural and Cultural History
Anthropology, Asian Studies
Office Hours:

Ashia Ajani

English Graduate Student
Environmental Studies

Obafemi Akintayo

African Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Phone: 3016734482
Office: Desk 1, Room 30, Friendly Hall.
Office Hours: Fridays, 11:00-1:00
Research Interests: African Politics,Conflict Management and Sensitivity Analyses,Military coup, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Gender and Peacebuidling, Anthropology,

Stacy Alaimo

Barbara and Carlisle Moore Professor in English
Core Faculty in Environmental Studies; Director of Graduate Studies for English Department
English, Environmental Studies
Phone: Please contact via email.
Office: 205 PLC
Office Hours: Week 1 to Week 10: In person W1-W10: Tuesdays 11:30-12:30, Wednesdays 1:00-3:00. You are welcome to stop by in-person office hours or email to reserve a half hour meeting. If you are sick, please do not come to office hours in person; email me and we can zoom. Note: Some office hours may be cancelled due to meetings. Just email to check.
Research Interests: Environmental Humanities, Posthumanities/New Materialism, American Studies, Cultural Studies, Literary and Critical Th,Postmodern and Contemporary Literary Studies, Visual Culture, Race, Ethnicity, and Indignity, Gender, Sexuality, Queer and Trans Studies

Yvette Alex-Assensoh

VP for Equity and Inclusion
Black Studies, Political Science
Phone: 541-346-3175
Office: 401E Tykeson Hall

Michael Allan

Associate Professor of Comparative Literature
Program Faculty in Cinema Studies; Program Faculty in Arabic; Program Faculty in Middle East Studies; Program Faculty in Comic Studies
Comparative Literature, Cinema Studies, Arabic Studies, Comics and Cartoon Studies, Middle East and North African Studies
Office: 358 PLC, 5242 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403
Office Hours: Wednesdays from 1:45-3:45pm. Please book an appointment at the following link: (
Research Interests: World literature (Francophone, Arabic), Film and visual culture, Postcolonial studies, Literary theory

Melody Allison

PhD Student, TA, Environmental Justice Fellow
Graduate Studies Committee
Environmental Studies, Philosophy
Office Hours: Fall 2024: Thursdays from 3-4 pm Columbia Hall 254A
Research Interests: Environmental Philosophy, Pragmatism, Existentialism, Phenomenology, Epistemology, Worldviews and Paradigm Shifts, Human-Nature Relationships, the Degrowth Movement, and Food Systems.

Donella-Elizabeth Alston Cleveland

Faculty Support Specialist, Academic Support Unit 5
Black Studies, CLLAS, Creative Writing Program, History, IRES, Latinx, Native American Studies, Theatre Arts, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies, Cinema Studies
Phone: 541-346-0901

Gabriella Altmire

Doctoral Student
Phone: 541-346-5057
Office: 614 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: None
Research Interests: Environment, Theory Knowledge Science

Holly Amer

Graduate Student Researcher
Environmental Studies
Phone: 425-770-9672
Office: Columbia 247
Research Interests: Soil Science, Climate Change, Sustainable Land Management, Restoration

Adell Amos

Clayton R. Hess Professor of Law
Environmental Studies, Law, Law-JD
Phone: 541-346-3826
Office: 354 Knight Law Center

Liz Anderson

Executive Support Coordinator, Academic Support Unit 5
Black Studies, CLLAS, Creative Writing Program, History, IRES, Latinx, Native American Studies, Theatre Arts, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies, Cinema Studies
Office: McKenzie 275

Tanner Anderson

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Thursdays 9-11am via Zoom
Research Interests: Evolutionary genomics, human brain evolution, molecular brain aging

Nathanael Andrade

Associate Professor
Middle East and North African Studies
Phone: 541-346-9045
Office: 313 McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: On leave AY 2016-2017; available by email
Research Interests: Ancient History

Aneesh Aneesh

Executive Director, School of Global Studies and Languages
Interim Director, Middle East and North African Studies
German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 114 Friendly Hall
Research Interests: Globalization, technology, labor, migration, citizenship, theory

Lillian Aoki

Assistant Professor
Environmental Studies
Office Hours: Mondays from 3:30-5 pm and by appointment
Research Interests: Coastal ecology, ecological resilience, ecosystem restoration

Serena Archila

Graduate Employee
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages

Emily Arnesen

Doctoral Student
Phone: 541-346-1261
Office: 521 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Friday 10 am to 11 am
Research Interests: Labor economics, behavioral economics

Ina Asim

Associate Professor
Asian Studies, Food Studies, History, Medieval Studies
Phone: 541-346-6161
Office: 317 McKenzie Hall, 1288 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205

Akwasi B. Assensoh

Courtesy Professor
African Studies
Office: 275 McKenzie Hall, 1233 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1233

Olivia Atkinson

PhD Candidate
Graduate Employee
Political Science
Phone: 541-346-4864
Office: 817 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2023: 10:00am - 12:00pm

William Ayres

Professor Emeritus
Anthropology, Asian Studies
Office Hours:


Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 030 FRIENDLY
Office Hours: TUESDAYS 1PM - 2PM