Social Sciences

Howard Davis

Architecture, Food Studies
Phone: 541-346-3665
Office: 321 Lawrence Hall

Jonathan Davis

Assistant Professor
Office: 516 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: M 9-10am; W 3:30-4:30pm

Elyse Decker

Doctoral Student
Office: 636 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Tuesday 10am - 12pm

Zahra Dehnavi

Graduate Employee
Global Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages
Office: 30 Friendly hall
Office Hours: Mondays & Wednesdays 2:30-3:30
Research Interests: Global health, Mental health, Disease prevention , Psychiatry, Depression & Anxiety

Scott DeLancey

Professor Emeritus
Asian Studies, Linguistics
Office: 370 Straub Hall, 1290 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1290

Beonsay De La Torre

Faculty Support Assistant
Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, Geography, Environmental Studies
Office: Condon 107

Alicia DeLouize

PhD Candidate
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: By appointment
Research Interests: Global Health, Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, Human Biology, Statistics, Biomarkers, Psychology, Neurobiological Evolution, Human Evolution

Fatih Demirci

Doctoral Student
Political Science
Office: 837 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Monday 12-2 pm
Research Interests: Middle East, terrorism, extremism, religion

Matthew Dennis

Professor Emeritus, History and of Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies, History

Olivia Denton

Faculty Support Coordinator
ASU 1 - School of Global Studies and Languages
African Studies, Asian Studies, Chinese, East Asian Languages, Food Studies, French, German & Scandinavian, Global Studies, Ichishkiin Language, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin American Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Modern Hebrew Language, Northwest Indian Language Institute, OCIAS, Portuguese, Romance Languages, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies, School of Global Studies and Languages, Spanish, Spanish Heritage Language Program, Yamada Language Center
Phone: 541-346-1385
Office: 107 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: MTWTF 9:00-5:00

Andrew Dickinson

Doctoral Student
Phone: 541-346-8845
Office: 518 PLC
Office Hours: Fall 2023: Thursday 3:00 - 4:00

Chanda Diekotto

Global Studies GE, Masters of Nonprofit Management Student
Global Studies, PPPM
Phone: 541-346-9780
Office: Global Studies
Office Hours: Mondays 10-11 a.m.
Research Interests: Languages, Outdoors, Management, Social and Environmental Justice, Human Rights

Zachary Dierks

Graduate Student
Phone: 847-714-6884
Research Interests: Southeast Asian Archaeology, Paleoethnobotany, Archaeobotany, Human-environment Relationships, Environmental Reconstruction, Household Archaeology

Rosie Dillon

Executive Support Specialist
Black Studies, Creative Writing Program, History, IRES, Latinx, Native American Studies, Theatre Arts, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies, Cinema Studies
Phone: 541-346-1405
Office: 275 McKenzie Hall

Thao Dinh

Doctoral Student
Political Science
Office: 816 PLC
Office Hours: F23: Wednesday 11:00-12:00

Emily Doerner

Master's Student
Phone: 541-346-4965
Office: 202 Condon Hall
Research Interests: Settler Colonialism, Conflict, State Violence, Feminist Geographies, Human-Environment Interaction, Critical Cartography

Vernon Dorjahn

Professor Emeritus

Alexander Dracobly

Senior Instructor II
College Scholars, History, Middle East and North African Studies, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-5910
Office: 329 McKenzie Hall, 1288 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Office Hours: Spring 23: Wednesdays 10-11:30am & Thursdays 1:45-3:15pm

Julia Dragu

Master's Student

Ethan Drake

Master's Student

Michele Drake

ASU5 Accounting Technician
Black Studies, CLLAS, Creative Writing Program, History, IRES, Latinx, Native American Studies, Theatre Arts, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies, Cinema Studies
Phone: 541-346-1378

Michael Dreiling

Phone: 541-346-5025
Office: 611 PLC, 1291 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1291
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Sabbatical leave, appointments only
Research Interests: social movements and corporate collective action; environmental sociology; comparative peace and conflict studies; network analysis

Benjamin Dreon

Graduate Employee
Office: 619 PLC

L. Zachary DuBois

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-5110
Office: 356 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays 12-2pm PST in Condon 375

Stephen Dueppen

Associate Professor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Phone: 541-346-5525
Office: 252 Condon Hall, University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-5275
Office Hours: By Appointment

Don Dumond


Tre Dunn III

Doctoral Student
Graduate Employee
Office: 718 PLC
Office Hours: Winter 2025: Wednesday, 12 PM- 2 PM

Ricky Durga

Graduate Student
Office: 365 Condon Hall
Research Interests: Island and Coastal Archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Paleoecology, Paleoethnobotany, Palynology, Paleoclimatology

Stephen Durrant

Professor Emeritus, Chinese Literature
Asian Studies, East Asian Languages
Office: 308 Friendly Hall, 1248 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1248

Timothy Duy

Professor of Practice
Director of Oregon Economic Forum
Phone: 541-346-4660
Office: 531 PLC, 1285 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1285