Social Sciences

Luke Habberstad

Associate Professor, Early Chinese Literature and Religion
Program Head & Director of Asian Studies Program
Asian Studies, East Asian Languages, Religious Studies
Phone: 541-346-4006
Office: 401 Friendly Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2-4 pm

David Hall

Doctoral Student
Office: 407 PLC
Office Hours: Fall 2023: By Appointment

Reese Haller

GE for Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Philosophy, Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Office Hours: Please email GEs using your UO email account or use Canvas if enrolled in a course.
Research Interests: Social and Political Philosophy, Marxism, Ideology, Identity, Critical Philosophy of Race, Feminism

Lauren Hallett

Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology
Biology, Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-346-3346
Office: 220C Pacific Hall
Office Hours: M/W 11am-12:50pm

Ian Halter

Graduate Employee
Office: 350E McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: Histories of Empire, Decolonizing Methodologies, US History, Russian History, Pacific Studies

Jeff Hanes

Professor Emeritus
Asian Studies, History
Phone: 541-346-4837
Office: 340X McKenzie Hall

Arthur Hanhardt

Professor Emeritus
Political Science

Benjamin Hansen

W.E. Miner Professor of Economics
Economics, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-4658
Office: 532 PLC
Office Hours: SP: M 5-6, W 4-5 (econ 201); W 5-6 Econ (443/543)
Research Interests: Health economics, risky behaviors, economics of crime, economics of education

William Harbaugh

SAIL Program Founder
College Scholars, Economics, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-1244
Office: 534 PLC
Office Hours: W24: Thursday 1:00-3:00

Dawn Harfmann

Ph.D. Candidate
Phone: 541-346-5002
Office: 636 PLC
Office Hours: Fall 2022: By appointment only
Research Interests: Environmental sociology, environmental inequalities, political economy, sociology of place, political sociology, social movements, labor sociology, public sociology

Christopher Harrington

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Appointment by email request

Jill Ann Harrison

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-5177
Office: 604 PLC
Office Hours: Fall 2023: W 9:00-10:00, F 9:00-10:00 and by appointment
Research Interests: Work and Organizations, Place and Environment, Microsociology and Interaction, Qualitative Approaches

Robert Haskett

Professor Emeritus
Phone: 541-346-4836
Office: 340W McKenzie Hall

Myra Haverda

PhD Student
Graduate Employee
Phone: 541-346-5002
Office: 719 PLC
Office Hours: F23: Monday And Wednesday 11:00-12:00
Research Interests: Gender, masculinities, trans studies, social movements, social and sociological

Megan Hayes

Graduate Student
Environmental Studies
Phone: 541-346-5057
Office: 144 COL

Stephen Haynes

Professor Emeritus
Phone: 541-346-4667
Office: 527 PLC
Office Hours: By appointment

Daizi Hazarika

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Appointment by email request
Research Interests: Cultural History/Historical Anthropology, Social Anthropology, Cross-Cultural Comparison, Feminist Studies, Religious Studies, Mythology and Folklore, Eastern India, South Asia, and Kinship.

Collin Heatley

Graduate Employee
Office: 340R McKenzie Hall
Research Interests: US Environmental History, Political History, History of Capitalism, Labor History

Annelise Heinz

Associate Professor
Phone: 541-346-4827
Office: 355 McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays 2-3pm
Research Interests: Histories of U.S. Women and Gender; Sexuality and LGBTQ History; Race & Ethnicity; Consumerism; Transpacific History

Burke Hendrix

Associate Department Head
Political Science
Phone: 541-346-2856
Office: 920 PLC
Office Hours: Sp 24: Thursday 1:30-3:30
Research Interests: Normative Political Theory, Indigenous Politics, Global Justice, History of Political Thought

Claire Herbert

Associate Professor
Office: 729 PLC
Office Hours: Sp24: Tuesday & Thursdays 11:30-12:30
Research Interests: urban sociology, housing, crime/law, property, race and colonialism

Ellen Herman

Professor Emerit of History
Faculty Co-Director, Wayne Morse Center for Law and Politics
History, Law
Phone: 541-346-3699
Office: 280G Knight Law Center
Office Hours: Spring 2024: Tuesdays, 11:45 am - 1:45 pm in 280G Knight Law Center, and by appointment

Nathalia Hernández-Vidal

Assistant Professor
Phone: 541-346-5004
Office: 717 PLC
Office Hours: Monday/Wed 10:30 -11:30 a.m.
Research Interests: Environmental Justice, Feminist and Indigenous STS, Social Movements, Coloniality and Decolonization

Andrea Herrera

Pro Tem Instructor
Faculty Director, LGBTQIA+ Scholars
Women's Gender and Sexuality Studies
Phone: 541-346-8709
Office Hours: By appointment, remotely

Tim Herrera

Pro Tem Instructor
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Fall 2023: 3pm-4pm Mondays & Wednesdays

Julie Hessler

Associate Professor
History, Russian East European and Eurasian Studies
Phone: 541-346-4857
Office: 351 McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: Winter 23, Tuesday 1:45-3:15 p.m. or by appointment

Gretchen Hill-Marino

Academic and Career Advisor
General Social Sciences
Phone: 541-346-7584
Office: 101 Tykeson Hall

Derrick Hindery

Associate Professor, Department of Global Studies
UO Study Abroad Programs Committee Member; Provost’s Teaching Academy Member
Global Studies
Phone: 541-346-6106
Office: 345 PLC
Office Hours: 9-11am Tu, Spring 2024: Sign up to meet at
Research Interests: Neoliberal and "post-neoliberal" models of economic "development" on communities and environment in Latin America and the U.S. Sustainable community projects in Indigenous territories in Bolivia (e.g. collectives producing medicinal oils and handicrafts)

Lisa Hirschmann

Master’s Student

Jocelyn Hollander

Phone: 541-346-5510
Office: 616 PLC
Office Hours: Sp24: no office hours -- on sabbatical
Research Interests: Gender, Social Psychology and Interaction, Qualitative Approaches

David Hollenberg

Associate Professor
Arabic and Islamic Studies
Arabic Studies, Middle East and North African Studies, Medieval Studies, Religious Studies
Phone: 541-346-8096
Office: 349 Susan Campbell Hall
Office Hours: Thursday 12:00pm-1:00pm and by appointment

Steven Holloway

Doctoral Student
Phone: 541-346-8845
Office: 508 PLC
Office Hours: Fall 23: Tuesday 12-3
Research Interests: Behavioral economics, inequality, intertemporal decision-making, environmental adaptation

Ellen Holtmaat

Assistant Professor
Political Science
Office: 911 PLC

Jules Horvath

Geog Office Student Worker
Phone: 2064752727

Ocean Howell

Associate Professor of History
Phone: 541-346-8095
Office: 313 McKenzie Hall
Office Hours: N/A on sabbatical
Research Interests: History of US cities, especially on the West Coast; history of architecture and urban planning; history of race and ethnicity.

Dongli Hu

Doctoral Student
Office: 823 PLC
Office Hours: Fall 2023: Tuesday 11:00-12:00, Friday 1:00-2:00

Haisu Huang

PhD Candidate
Office: 716 PLC
Office Hours: Fall 2023: 2-4pm Thursdays
Research Interests: Environmental Sociology; Climate Disasters and Recovery; Energy Transition and Deindustrialization; Qualitative Methods; Empowerment Self-Defense.

Madeline Huelbig

Graduate Researcher
Research Interests: hydrology, glaciology, remote sensing, spatial analysis, water use, climate change