Natural Sciences

Anika Kabir

Computer Science
Office: 232 Deschutes

Lauren Kahn

Center Manager & Research Scientist
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology
Office: 481 Straub Hall

Elizabeth Kallenbach

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Appointment by email request
Research Interests: Ethnohistory, archaeology, cultural heritage management

William Kantor

Professor Emeritus

Andy Karduna

Professor and Department Head
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-0438
Office: 304 Gerlinger Hall, 1240 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1240
Research Interests: Upper extremity biomechanics

Apoorva Karekal

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4107
Office: 181 Esslinger Hall

Lamia Karim

Professor & Department Head
Anthropology, Asian Studies, SAIL
Phone: 541-346-5095
Office: 375 Condon Hall, 1218 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1218
Office Hours: Wed from 2-3 PM and by appointment and Zoom
Research Interests: women, work, neoliberalism, state, and Islam

Leif Karlstrom

Associate Professor of Earth Sciences
Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-4323
Office: 120A Cascade Hall, 1272 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1272
Research Interests: volcanology, surface processes, fluid mechanics

Alisa Karns

Academic Programs Assistant - Physics Faculty
Phone: 541-346-4409
Office: 120B Willamette

Christina Karns

Assistant Research Professor
Senior Instructor I
Phone: 541-346-0550
Office: LISB 226 & Rainier Building, CBIRT, Suite 220

Ingrid Karson-Hickman

Undergraduate Program Coordinator, Academic Support Unit 6
Multidisciplinary Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-6052
Office: 91 Klamath Hall, 1253 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1253

Ben Kauffman

Graduate Student
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Office: 361 Willamette Hall

Kat Kaylegian-Starkey

Graduate Student

John Keana

Professor Emeritus
Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry & Polymer Surface Functionalization
Chemistry and Biochemistry

Sheila Keen

Associate Director Academic Service Unit
Economics, General Social Sciences, Political Science, Sociology
Phone: 541-346-4852
Office: 175 PLC

Clifford "Kip" Keller

Phone: 541-346-4544
Office: 228 Huestis Hall

Kandyce Kelley

Research Assistant
Office: Rainier Bldg., CBIRT, Suite 220

Michael Kellman

Professor Emeritus
Theoretical Chemistry & Physical Chemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Institute for Fundamental Science
Phone: 541-346-4196
Office: 151B Klamath Hall, 1253 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1253

Paul Kempler

Assistant Professor
Director, Electrochemistry Masters Internship Program
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-7652
Office: 430 LISB
Research Interests: electrochemistry, surface chemistry, electrolysis, hydrogen, metals

Andrew Kern

Office: 301A Pacific Hall

Carolin Keutzer

In Memoriam
Research Interests: Clinical

Stephen Kevan

Retired Professor
Research Interests: Thin film and surface physics; magnetism

Kamrun Nahar Keya

Graduate Employee
Phone: 9407581291
Office: Condon 208
Office Hours: Friday 10 AM to 11 AM

Murat Kezer

Doctoral Student
Office: 365 Straub
Research Interests: Social-Personality

Ghootae Kim

Postdoctoral Scholar
Research Interests: Brice Kuhl Lab

Sojeong Kim

Doctoral Student
Office: 364 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Clinical

Daniel Kimble

Professor Emerit
Research Interests: Neuroscience, Physiological

Charles Kimmel

Professor Emeritus

Sarah Kinsey

Computer Science

Yukihiro Kitagawa

Doctoral Student
Office: 461 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Clinical

Justin Kittell

Graduate Student
OMQ, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4770
Office: 171 Klamath Hall

Rachael Klaiss

Graduate Student
OMQ, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4770
Office: 74 Willamette Hall

Alexander Kleshchev

Phone: 541-346-4718
Office: 314A Fenton Hall

Elina Kleshcheva

Phone: 541-346-0220
Office: 333F Tykeson Hall, 1222 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222
Office Hours: Monday 10-11:00; 2:30-3:30; Wednesday 10-11, 2:30-3:30

Gary Klug

Professor Emeritus
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4107
Office: 181 Esslinger Hall, 1240 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1240

Elizabeth Knight

PhD Student
Earth Sciences
Office: 210F
Research Interests: Volcanology, Geochemistry, Igneous Petrology, and Experimental Petrology

Lisa Knox

Graduate Coordinator
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-1440
Office: 181 Esslinger

Richard Koch

Professor Emeritus

Daniela Koeck

Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Office: CERN, Switzerland

Markus Koeneke

Research Assistant
Oregon Hazards Lab
Earth Sciences
Research Interests: Soil and Environmental Hydrogeochemistry

Nick Kohler

Senior Instructor I
Phone: 541-346-4160
Office: 107E Condon Hall, 1251 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1251
Research Interests: GIScience, Remote Sensing, Cartography, Human-Environmental relations, Geography of Adventure.

Taevis Kolz

Graduate Student

Amy Konyn

Pro Tem Instructor
Research Associate
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Psychology

Erin Koozer

Accounting Technician
Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physics, Biology
Phone: 541-346-2147

Mariah Kornbluh

Associate Professor
Office: 333 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Developmental

Michael Koscho

Associate Department Head and Faculty Advisor
Senior Instructor II
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-2924
Office: 175 Onyx Bridge, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1253

Ondra Kovanda

Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics

Ryan Kovatch

Computer Science

David Kracke

Oregon Brain Injury Advocate/Coordinator
Office: Rainier Bldg., CBIRT, Suite 220

Nick Kreter

Postdoctoral Scholar
Human Physiology

Graham Kribs

Director, Institute for Fundamental Science
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4853
Office: 477 Willamette Hall, 1274 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1274
Research Interests: Effective Field Theory of Models Beyond the Standard Model; Particle Astrophysics; Early Universe Cosmology.

Justin Krier

PhD Student
Earth Sciences

Anna Krueger

CAS ASU 8 Front Office Student Worker
Computer Science, Data Science, School of Computer and Data Sciences
Phone: 541-346-4408
Office: Deshutes 120
Office Hours: Tues 1-5, Wed 10-12, Thurs 1-5

Kelsi Kuehn

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 365/366 Condon Hall
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1-3 in CON 356 or by appointment on zoom
Research Interests: LGBTQ+ Health and Resilience, Queer Studies, Human Skeletal Biology, Structural Violence, Environmental Stressors

Brice Kuhl

Associate Head
Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-4983
Office: 333 LISB, 1227 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1227
Research Interests: Cognitive Neuroscience, Memory, Cognitive Control, fMRI Methods

Megan Kunze

Assistant Research Professor
SPED EI/ECSE Practicum Supervisor
Applied Behavior Analysis, College of Education, Psychology, Special Education

Philip Kurtz

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology

Allyson Kuznia

Doctoral Student
Office: 427 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Developmental

Kate Kwasneski

Doctoral Student
Office: 461 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Clinical