Natural Sciences

Aria Radick

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-4770
Office: 445 Willamette Hall

Lindsay Rait

Doctoral Student
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience

Peter Ralph

Department Head and Associate Professor
Data Science
Phone: 541-346-5530
Office: 101C McArthur Court, 1222 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1222

Vivek Ramakrishna

Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Materials Science Institute, Physics
Office: 273 Onyx Bridge

Mia Ramos

Science Lab Preparator
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-4650
Office: 160D Klamath Hall

Nani Ramos

Academic Programs Assistant
Economics, General Social Sciences, Political Science, Sociology
Phone: 541-346-1174

Anabelle Rampersaud

Doctoral Student
Research Interests: Clinical

Wesley Rancher

Masters Student
Office: Columbia 246
Office Hours: (Winter 2024) TH: 10-11:30a
Research Interests: Remote Sensing, forest ecology, landscape modelling, climate change, pollinators

Kevin Randles

Graduate Student
Institute for Fundamental Science, OMQ, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4770
Office: 251 Willamette Hall
Research Interests: quantum computing, quantum networks, quantum transduction, open quantum systems, quantum measurement

Teresa Rapp

Assistant Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-0406
Research Interests: Inorganic Synthesis, Ruthenium Photochemistry, Hydrogels, Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Drug Delivery

Yuda Rasyadian

Graduate Student
Graduate Employee
Office: Condon Hall 365
Office Hours: Thursday 2-4 p.m.
Research Interests: Development, political anthropology, political economy, social theories, social movements, feminist praxis and methodologies, nonprofits, Indigenous epistemologies, law, Indigeneity, West Timor, West Papua.

Dhiman Ray

Assistant Professor
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Research Interests: Theoretical Chemical Physics, Physical Chemistry, Biophysics

George Rayfield

Professor emeritus

Michael Raymer

Knight Professor of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus
Professor of Physics
OMQ, Physics
Office: 276 Willamette Hall, 1274 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Research Interests: Quantum Information, Quantum Optics, Optical Physics, Nonlinear Optics

Anshuman Razdan

Vice President for Research and Innovation
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-2090
Research Interests: geometric design, computer graphics, document exploitation, geospatial visualization and analysis

Bryan Rebar

Associate Director, STEM CORE
Phone: 541-346-4773
Office: 148 Willamette Hall

Hailay Reda

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-5109
Office: 313 Condon Hall, 1218 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1218
Office Hours: By appointment over zoom
Research Interests:

Jacques Reddinger

Graduate Student
Materials Science Institute, OMQ, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4770
Office: 215 Willamette Hall

Emma Reed

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4107
Office: 181 Esslinger

Mark Reed

Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-5587
Office: 225D Cascade Hall, 1272 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Research Interests: hydrothermal geochemistry, mineral deposits, geothermal systems

Emily Reeve

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-5058
Office: 110 Pacific Hall

Paul Regensburger

Ph.D. Candidate
Earth Sciences
Office: 103 Volcanology
Office Hours: By appointment
Research Interests: Planetary Science, Geophysics, Icy Satellites

David Reikher

Research Firmware Engineer
Institute for Fundamental Science, Physics

Reza Rejaie

Department Head
Associate Director, Oregon Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (OCCoE)
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-0200
Office: 324 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Networking, Internet Measurement, Networked Systems, Cybersecurity

James Remington

Professor Emeritus
Phone: 541-346-5190
Office: 377 Willamette Hall, 1274 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Research Interests: Protein Crystallography

Alan Rempel

Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-6316
Office: 108 Volcanology, 1272 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Office Hours: Thursday 10:30-11:45 (in Sci. Lib.)
Research Interests: geomechanics, ice physics, and applied mathematics

Gregory Retallack

Professor Emeritus
Earth Sciences

Austin Ricci

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4107
Office: 181 Esslinger Hall

Jack Rice

Professor Emeritus
Earth Sciences

Geraldine Richmond

Professor, Presidential Chair
Physical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry,Optics & Spectroscopy, Contemporary Surface Science, Science Literacy
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-4635
Office: 212 Willamette Hall, 1253 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205

Addison Richter

Masters student
Earth Sciences
Office: Volcanology 307
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday: 8-9am
Research Interests: Structural geology, ores and minerals, kinematics, mapping, tectonics

Sandra Rigsby

Pro Tem Research Assistant
Human Physiology
Office: Pacific Hall 113

Lisa Rihs

ASU4 Operations Manager
American English Institute, Human Physiology, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Psychology, Swahili
Phone: 541-346-4265
Office: 133 Straub Hall

AJ Rise

Phone: 541-346-0373
Office: 333D Tykeson Hall

Evan Ritchie

Graduate Student, Physics Department
OMQ, Physics
Phone: 541-346-4770
Office: 217 Willamette Hall

Lucy Roberts

Graduate Student
Office: Condon 163

William Roberts

Professor Emeritus

Rachel Robinson

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4107
Office: 181 Esslinger

Katie Robison

Undergraduate Coordinator
Economics, General Social Sciences, Political Science, Sociology
Phone: 541-346-0205
Office: 175 PLC

Josh Roering

Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-5574
Office: 325C Cascade Hall, 1272 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205
Office Hours: Thurs, 3:30-5pm
Research Interests: geomorphology, surface processes

Annie Rogers

Operations Support Specialist ASU 6
Biology, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Multidisciplinary Science Program, and Physics
Phone: 541-346-4527
Office: 77 Klamath Hall, 1210 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1205

Rori Rohlfs

Associate Professor
Data Science
Office: Onyx 281
Research Interests: Computational biology, social justice and data science, forensic genetics, evolutionary modeling

Taren Rohovit

Doctoral Student
Research Interests: Cognitive-Neuroscience

America Romero

Doctoral Student
Research Interests: Attention, Memory, Learning

Kenneth Ross

Professor Emeritus

Aubrey Rossi

Doctoral Student
Office: 432 Straub
Research Interests: Clinical

Yara Rossi

Dr. Sc.
Earth Sciences
Research Interests: I strive to understand the ground motions that occur during earthquakes. Specifically, I am interested in not only looking at translations but also how the ground tilts and rotates. In addition, I study how these rotations can be exploited to monitor buildings better.

Mary Rothbart

Professor Emerit
Research Interests: Temperament, Social-Emotional Development

Myron Rothbart

Professor Emerit
Research Interests: Social Cognition, Stereotyping, Intergroup Perception

Conor Rowland

Graduate Student
Phone: 541-346-4771
Office: 72 Willamette Hall

Kevin Rowland

Research Faculty | Field Engineer
Oregon Hazards Lab
Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-799-4557
Office: 1600 Millrace Drive Rm 206

Bitty Roy

Professor Emerita
Not taking new students
Phone: 541-346-4520
Office: 461B Onyx Bridge, 1210 University Of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1210

Cody Rucker

Computer Science
Office: 237 Deschutes Hall

Julia Ruggiero

Doctoral Student
Office: 461 Straub Hall
Research Interests: Clinical

Jon Runyeon

Senior Instructor
Director of the Human Anatomy Laboratory
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-357-9564
Office: 250B Esslinger Hall, 1240 University of Oregon, Eugene OR 97403-1240
Research Interests: Human anatomy and cerebral concussion

Nicholas Russell

Masters Student
Research Interests: Individualized Masters