Natural Sciences

Autumn P.

Science Lab Preparator
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-0689
Office: 160D Klamath Hall

Catherine Page

Associate Professor
Inorganic Chemistry, Solid-State Chemistry & Materials Chemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-4693
Office: 414 LISB

James Palandri

Research Associate
Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-5990
Office: 225B Cascade Hall

Theodore Palmer

Professor Emeritus

Linnea Palmstrom

Computer Science

Loïs Papin

PhD Student
Earth Sciences
Office: Cascade 210E
Research Interests: Earthquake seismology

Josh Park

Teaching Labs Manager
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4117

Yongmin Park

PhD candidate (Fredrickson)
Phone: 541-346-0314
Office: 111 McArthur Court
Office Hours: 2:30-3:30pm MWF (F2024)
Research Interests: Gauge Theory, Geometric Analysis

JeaLinda Patton

Operations Manager | ASU 7
Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences, Environmental Studies, Geography
Phone: 541-346-5104
Office: 107H Condon Hall

Carol Paty

Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-4786
Office: 120 Volcanology
Office Hours: Fall 2024 Office Hours: TBD (Volcanology 120/Zoom) Zoom Info:
Research Interests: Planetary Science, Space Physics, Planetary Interiors, Astrobiology

Liliana Pazdan-Siudeja

Senior Instructor
Phone: 541-346-5637
Office: 333E Tykeson Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 11-11:50am, Wednesday and Friday 10-10:50am

Amanda Peng

PhD Student
Earth Sciences
Office: 149 Cascade Annex
Research Interests: Vertebrate paleontology

Katie Perez

Lab Preparator
Phone: 541-346-4651
Office: 104E Huestis Hall

Cory Peters

PhD student (Phillips)
Phone: 541-346-0346
Office: 314G Fenton Hall

Jennifer Pfeifer

CTN Co-Director
Center for Translational Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Psychology
Phone: 541-346-1984
Office: 334 LISB
Research Interests: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Adolescence, Puberty, Self, Social Cognition, Emotion, Motivation, Decision-Making, Mental Health, Social Learning, Self-Regulation

Laurel Pfeifer-Meister

Career Senior Instructor I
Phone: 541-346-6054
Office: 73A Klamath Hall

Franki Phelan

ASU7 Student Worker
Undergraduate Research Assisstant
Earth Sciences, Geography

N. Christopher Phillips

Phone: 541-346-4714
Office: 320 Fenton Hall

Patrick Phillips

Phone: 541-346-3147
Office: 320 Pacific Hall

Mike Pluth

Organic, Inorganic, Materials Division
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-7477
Office: 446 Willamette Hall
Research Interests: Organic Chemistry, Chemical Biology, Bioinorganic Chemistry

Kyla Pohl

PhD candidate (Young)
Phone: 541-346-4737
Office: 309 Fenton Hall

Tobias Policha

Senior Instructor I
Phone: 541-346-4502
Office: 73 Klamath Hall

Alexander Polishchuk

Phone: 541-346-5635
Office: 314E Fenton Hall

Matthew Polizzotto

Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-5217
Office: 225C Cascade Hall
Office Hours: By Appointment
Research Interests: Soil and aqueous geochemistry, environmental quality

Lauren Ponisio

Associate Professor
Biology, Environmental Studies, Food Studies
Office: 386 Onyx Bridge

John Postlethwait

Professor Emeritus
Phone: 541-346-4538
Office: 324 Huestis Hall

Chris Poulsen

Tykeson Dean of College of Arts and Sciences
Professor, Earth Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences, Earth Sciences
Phone: 541-346-3902
Office: Fourth Floor, Tykeson Hall
Research Interests: Climate change, paleoclimatology, earth system modeling, climate dynamics, climate variability, climate-ecosystem interactions, water isotopes, ecohydrology, climate-mountain interactions, paleoaltimetry

Kenneth Prehoda

Biochemistry, Biophysics & Molecular Biology
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-5030
Office: 291 Klamath Hall

James Prell

Associate Professor
Biophysics, Materials Chemistry, Physical Chemistry & Analytical/Bioanalytical Chemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Phone: 541-346-2597
Office: 141 Klamath Hall

Margery Price

Master’s student
Earth Sciences
Office: Volcanology 115
Research Interests: Pumice, graywater filtration, applied volcanology, wastewater treatment, geoscience education

Michael Price

Senior Instructor II
Assistant Department Head
Phone: 541-346-0991
Office: 207 Fenton Hall
Office Hours: Monday 11:20-11:50 (STB 156), Tuesday 1-3pm (FEN 207), Wednesday 11:20-11:50 (STB 156)

Jana Prikryl

Multidisciplinary Science Program Director
Biology Adviser/Senior Instructor II
Biology, Multidisciplinary Science
Phone: 541-346-3288
Office: 65C Klamath Hall

Grace Privett

Graduate Employee
Human Physiology
Phone: 541-346-4107
Office: 181 Esslinger Hall

Andrzej Proskurowski

Professor Emeritus
Computer Science
Phone: 541-346-1379
Office: 143 Deschutes Hall
Research Interests: Algorithmic Graph Theory, Models of Communication Networks

Nicholas Proudfoot

Phone: 541-346-0996
Office: 322 Fenton Hall

Laura Pulido

Geography, IRES, Latinx
Phone: 541-346-0918
Office: Alder 301
Office Hours: Mondays 2-4pm
Research Interests: Comparative Ethnic Studies, Chicanx Studies, Critical Human Geography, Environmental Justice